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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

#gardening #notill #backyardgarden


  1. Thanks Mark. Is there a name for the substance the nematodes and protozoa are leaving in the soil? Is this only in soil? What is happening in aquaponics?

  2. Hi Mark, another good vid. For some years now, there is a question gnawing in the back of my head. Like many others, I'm growing (no-dig) veggies in the backyard in old urban soil. I'm convinced that some toxic substances ended up in my soil. Is there any info available how to mitigate that problem? Until now I assumed that I transfered pollution trained bacteria from the medieval inner city of Utrecht, via a new neighbourhood with lots of old citydirt used for level raising, to our new home 5 years ago. I mix my native dirt (mainly fine wind deposited sand) with 40 percent compost in order to promote encapsulating and breaking down toxines. Some bentonite clay and crushed basalt rock is added. I'm also assuming that contaminants were washed down into the deeper sandy subsoil during the last decades (groundwater level around 5 feet down). Any suggestions on how to improve this strategy? Started with external sourced compost, but now producing my own (cold slow method) helped by lots of slugs, snails, worms, centipedes and woodlice. I wonder if those compost workers are indicators for some level of healthy envirionment. Best wishes, greetings from Holland.

  3. We do need to adapt a better way of farming without harsh chemicals

  4. a mushroom walks up to a bar; the bar tender refuses to serve him. Mushroom says: "oh, come on. I am a fun-guy."

  5. Hi Mark, question: does compost also have nutrients available for plants or does compost need to go through the bacteria/ nematode cycle for it to be available? And what is your favorite/recommended way to use compost?Thanks! Silas in Flagstaff, AZ.

  6. Hey Mark. Another great video. Looks like you've lost some weight from your early videos. Looking trim and fit. Must be all that beautiful produce you grow.

  7. Thanks for the video Mark my broad beans seedling are coming up and so are the peas nice and early hope we do not get a sudden spell of ice and snow so all the seeds are in the green house at the moment cannot trust the British weather.

  8. Well mark I collected them all and compost them I have a hot bin that takes every thing, the rats don’t bother with it it is all enclosed. Thanks again for the video

  9. Can a broad fork be used and still be considered no till. Keep up the good work. I enjoy your videos.

  10. Great information, thank you for sharing. I plan on spreading beneficial nematodes next week. They also help kill grubs which are a major pest here in Arizona.

  11. Wow you’ve really lost a lot of weight…must be eating out of your garden. Great example of eating healthy 🤗

  12. Great video. After the protozoa & nematodes digest the bacteria & fungi, where are the worms in this food chain ? Thank you !!! 02/19/2020

  13. Has there been any real studies.
    Proving that no till.
    Is better or worth the energy to do it.
    Over conventional methods.

  14. Mark, great video! I have a puzzle question for you. In the base of an old abandoned composted leaf pile there is a mass of white root like material that are about 3 inches long. There must be millions of them! Is this fungal hyphae (sp?) On steroids or some alien plant life? Haven't seen this before and it has my curiosity aroused. The first person I thought might know the answer was you ! Is this a beneficial or detrimental thing? Is it a product or cause of natural plant decay? If you have ideas I would love to hear them! Thanks so much! Can it b used?

  15. If soil does everything why is it so difficult to grow on soil at home? Why one has to use chemical fertilizer to grow things?

  16. Maybe I am a bad student but I found it really illuminating when watched the second time after several months of gathering knowledge from various sources (dr Elain Ingham, Living Web Farms channel and others). When refreshed those information creates for me quite a clear picture of how it all works – for sure when watching the first time it was difficult to understand it fully. It seems that this winter I am going to go again through all Your videos Mark 🙂 Warmest greetings for you and your son!

  17. Wow, amazing. Seriously cool stuff!! I just asked myself one question, why have I bought fertiliser? Upbringing, marketing or just plain no thinking…. For me it's probably a bit of all… Thanks mate, stay safe!

  18. Hi Mark, you said the Nematodes and Bacteria were eating the Fungi. Does that include living Mycorrhizal Fungi?

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