Gardening Supplies

The Truth About Youth Vaping in the United States

Charles Gardner Ph.D., Executive Director of INNCO, explains the current figures of young people using cigarettes, and nicotine vapes. Also, he briefs us on how those numbers have changed during the last 5 decades.
The International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO) was formed in June 2016 to represent consumers of low-risk, alternative nicotine products (like nicotine vaping devices, snus, and heated tobacco products) and to promote Harm Reduction for people who smoke combustible tobacco(THR) on the global stage.
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  1. If could only get law enforcement to crack down on corner stores selling to the underage. That's where 95% underage sales happen. Great video.

  2. Excellent factual and logic based review of the topic as always Charles. Kudos to and INNCO, keep up the excellent work!

  3. 'Vaping Epidemic' was not a scientific selection, but rather an intentional Public misdirection based on a Focus Group response by an FDA presentation when they were seeking the most alarming response in order to create an anti-vaping platform (it did not even meet the scientific qualification of being an "Epidemic")…

    To further the Public impression & panic even further [to gain support for the deceptive anti-vaping campaigns], those abnormally high figures quoted of "Youth Vaping" are exceptionally (and intentionally) deceptive… If a teen even took one single puff and decided they didn't like it and didn't want to vape again; the "surveys" still considered them as a full fledge Youth Vaper. In fact, the daily usage by teens is approximately 1% (and often less)… and even that number is inflated by an additional deceptive tactic during the survey completion — it doesn't differentiate between nicotine based vape products [which are the same vape category type product as zero nic e-liquid products] and cannabis type vape products [which are usually Oil based products, and an entirely different market and unrelated product type.

    Why? By conflating smoking and cannabis products, it's not only easier to make the public mistakenly believe they're all the same thing (and same danger), but they can then inflate the figures to Total Youth Usage [without the general public realizing the trickery and intentional deception by using totals from multiple unrelated product types and presenting the sum as if that's the figure for nicotine based products].

    Once you can actually separate the Gov't "Causal Survey" responses into separate categories or product types [which again are also different markets and purpose from each other], then the 1% or less usage is dramatically less [and as actual (factual) scientific data analysis has shown]; it's almost scientifically negligeable.

    "Epidemic" was chose/selected as the anti-vaping marketing term to feed the media and public — it was not even based on scientifically accurate terms or conditions.

  4. A great commentary. Appreciate your efforts in helping to clear up these false narratives.
    Thanks Charles

  5. Very good! Maybe you should have mentioned that kids are safe from demonic possession from nicotine? 🙂

  6. If Public Health authorities and politicians took a close listen then adjusted for their countries' situations they would be able to speed up stop smoking successes for adults even adolescent smokers by embracing tobacco harm reduction i.e. e-cigarette as a (proven) highly effective tool. I'm speaking about Germany with a devestating 36% smoking prevalence(127 k smoking related deaths per year).

  7. Bloomberg philantrophys is dangerous for public health.
    Funded anti vape organisations that spreading lies to the public.

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