Gardening Supplies

Preparing is Good Just in Case GARDENING Freezing Storing Cans, Prepping For Cost or Food Shortage

Me and Hummingbirds Preparing for a Rainy Day as talk of Food Shortage, Rising Inflation and more makes the news, and this is good for EVERYONE, whether you are gardening or just home enjoying YouTube. Even FEMA says everyone should have Food and Water in case of an Emergency to be Ready.

Here are the SAME Solar Fountain Kits I buy for our Yard and this is an affiliated/aff. link to the company:

and another of the same Solar Fountain aff. Link we use:
and another aff. link for the Solar Fountains we use here, as they run out fast:

Here is a Company that I buy from for tubing for the SOLAR FOUNTAIN Kits, this is an aff. link to their site, the size I get is (5/16″ ID x 7/16″ OD) which this aff. link will take you right to:

Best Price I have found for TULLE. This is TULLE that Great Fabric SO CHEAP and last years outside here, here is an aff. link to check out, many colors, I usually get one of the greens, but any color will work great:

Soldering Iron works for making holes in buckets and totes, this is an aff. link to someone I have purchased a soldering iron from:

Video of Fountain with No Solar Pump used:

This is a pump that works off a Power Bank unit, (like a phone Charger) no solar needed:
Preparing Just in Case For What I Hear, Gardening Freezing Storing Cans & Why For that Rainy Days



  1. Just found your channel yesterday and am enjoying binging very much. I totally agree with everything you’re saying.

    I live in southern CA and am worried about my apartment patio garden and the water restrictions. I don’t have room for a rain barrel. I’d love to hear any tips and suggestions you might have.

  2. Thank you. Everything you talked about is right. We have been stocking for over two years now. I heard Gruesome wants to ration water as well. I have lots of plants and trees to water.

  3. They R getting rid of garbage food that is full of chemicals n gmo's
    There will be no shortages.
    Cereals contain trisodium phosphate. Look it up its a paint thinner….

  4. Yes it's great to be prepared. Agree with you Robbie! Do you think the govt is forthcoming with us? No is the answer if the past is any indication. I bet the food companies have a priority of the food. Probably hospitals & Nursing Homes are first. Great idea for canning is buying in bulk, even Tomatoes sauce you can buy commerical size then can it from there or freeze. Make homemade meals. Don't rely on frozen meals. Yes garden as much as you can even small size. You can garden in a Apt. I have a big deck that I have 20 pots. Grow up in baskets or towers etc…

  5. How do you get months of meds if Insurance companies only allow you to get 1 month at a time. The most you can get is 3 month supply.

  6. My husband works at a hospital in and when I told him my doctor ordered a CT scan, he said I hope it’s not with contrast because there is a shortage of dy. Luckily mine is without contrast. So yes I can also confirm there is a shortage of dy.

  7. I put an extra shelf in my office and have it pretty full of extra, we eat off of it and then replace, I agree it does not hurt to be prepared but I am not worried or in fear, I believe in God and have faith we will be ok.

  8. I'm in the UK and things are getting bad over here.
    Prices are going up weekly and certain items are hard to find. Winter is just around the corner and to be honest, all of this can be worrying.
    I never thought I'd see what we've all been through the past 2 years and what we're going through now.

  9. My husband and I are now in SE TN.

    We pay way too much for the dirt in stores! I’m sick of it. I’m looking for my own dirt somewhere! Insane!

    The top soil is garbage now days.

    The mushroom dirt is horrible n filled with GMOed garbage.

    N can’t even buy hay without Grazon.

    I can’t find real peat moss, it’s all sphagnum peat moss. I need real peat moss.

    I’m truly tired of the Shysters n rip offs.

    It’s store bought warehouse food in farmers markets with higher prices. We went to farmers markets, when we were younger, to get cheaper food actually grown on farms. We can’t trust people anymore. Not even the mennonites! They have rigs bring in produce n sell it at organic prices n it’s not even organic.

    My produce doesn’t grow as well in buckets n pots. Kale does ok in pots but hard on them in summer.

    Bell peppers are very hard to grow but grow all winter.

    Tomatoes are ok.

    Radishes, cilantro, basil n etc bolt even in spring.

    Celery is ok for the leaves only.

    Thyme n mint do well.

    Zinnias grow great! But can’t eat them. LOL

    I want to get hostas.

    Castor plant grows great but can’t eat it.

    The avocados grow but never fruit where I’m at.

    Lemon trees grow great but need a green housed n a warmer light in winter.

    Okra grows good in pots.

    Beans don’t grow.

    Cucumbers n squash never make it all the way.

    I can’t find a collard tree, the garden centers n farmers gardens around here say there’s no such a thing. Ugh!

    Parsley grows ok. N sometimes last a long time but other times they die n I can’t figure out why.

    My rosemary came back every year for years in a pot but died this year.

    Lettuce hardly grows big n not worth growing.

    Swiss chard does well in shaded areas.

    I finally got dill to grow this year, for years Ibcouldn’t get it to grow, not sure why.

    Nasturtium grows very thin n sickly looking. But it grows.

    Strawberries grow well in buckets n pots. I used red rocks to trick birds. Which helps.

    I plant medjool date seeds but they never get very large , like 12 inches tall, n never fruit.

    Brassicas don’t grow in pots here.

    Potatoes in pots are as big as marbles n marble bolders or walnut size n I can’t get them to grow any larger.

  10. They still don’t have my cats food n she won’t eat anything else. I had gotten a couple back up bags but it’s almost gone now.
    I don’t trust to order cuz last time they kept my money n didn’t send anything n I had to fight to get the money back.

  11. In NZ where I live I have seen these things happen too. But didn’t know about the medical things. Thanks for sharing. Think it is wise to prepare. People who boo hoo will not be laughing later.

  12. In Northern CA and Oregon/Washington there is the Cascadia subduction zone that will be a MASSIVE earthquake if it comes. Praying it won't! But if it does, we are without services for 2 weeks at least including water. Each family should have 14 gallons of water per person at home. Being prepared for any situation that comes up is wise. Good job on your video

  13. You are awesome Robbie!! I live in Utah and have always been taught to have food storage. My grandparents stored food, my aunts and uncles stored food, my parents always had food storage. I have always stored food. We have always been taught to have 6 months to a year of emergency food storage. We have also always been taught to grow fruits and vegetables and to can it. One never knows when it will be needed. Either by food shortages or prices going up, a loss of a job, etc. please, everyone keep some extra food on hand. The average American only has approximately 3 days worth of food on hand. Even if you buy a few extra cans of canned food or a bag of rice, flour or beans, etc each week and put it away it will add up quickly. As it builds up you will feel less and less stress as you will be prepared. Don’t forget water. The Red Cross recommends a minimum of 1 gallon per day, per person for 14 days in case of emergency. And don’t forget an extra bag of sugar for the hummingbirds!!

  14. I am composting in totes right now for the first time on a balcony. I am seeing lots of flies. Is that normal?

  15. The issue in Australia was the chinese residents were bulk buying formula and sending it to China which created a shortage for our consumers.

  16. Thank you for this! I discovered last winter how much and how fast things disappear when you begin consuming them. Our family were very sick for MONTHS last winter. We went through SO DANG MUCH soup and cold medicines. I was appalled at how fast it went poof gone! So 100 cans of soup May seem like a lot at first glance but… if you figure that out for 2-4 people… it’ll be gone before you know it. 😬

  17. You think a lot like I do.
    I grew up in SoCal, so quakes were always lurking in the background.
    Will FEMA and others show up to provide food and water?…sure.
    But do I want to travel to the distribution point and stand in line for the rations they will hand out?
    I can stay home and use my own supplies and not deal with stressed out people trying to get supplies.
    AND I reduce the strain on the give away programs, leaving more for those who didn't plan ahead.

    I'm not in Cali anymore, but I still believe in being prepared as much as possible.
    And now I'm making plans to grow some food.

  18. I could click like on this a hundred times. I started buying extra supplies months literally months before Covid. My husband was livid. He fought me tooth and nail but guess what, my creepy feeling was right. We had food. We fed our children and our grandchildren without having to worry about nothing in the store. I do believe we will have food supply issues as well as medicines. You are so right, everyone has a place to store extra food.

  19. I feel the signs are there if we look. I can’t go crazy about it but I can do something. Staples,rice,flour,beans,canned meat,hygiene items and basic cleaning. Doesn’t hurt to be prepared

  20. Words of wisdom! Thanks so much for sharing! I’ve recently retired and I’m having a ball in my garden. putting many of your ideas into practice.

  21. I love this video! It will help so many people. I have been stocking up on canned goods and meat since the pandemic started. I watch for sales and I keep my food rotated, especially the food in my freezer. I too am stocked up on sugar, enough to last 3 to 4 months lol. I have a couple of months of flour, cornmeal, rice, dried beans, and instant potatoes stocked up.

  22. Hi Robbie, that’s what I’ve been doing since I came here stocking can food since I don’t know how to canning. I will use it if not donate it. But most of the time when someone needs it I share like my kids and grandkids, specially my grandson loves noodle soup, I just add veggies and can of broth and if he likes chicken I add a little. I buy some tunas also to make sandwiches with Mayonnaise. Thanks for the video and reminders. Love this video 🙏🏻🇺🇸♥️👩‍🌾🌟👍

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