Container Gardening

How To Make An Attractive Herb Container Garden

There’s no reason why an herb container garden and herb garden can’t be combined to produce all the herbs a family can use. And you don’t have to be an expert gardener to grow this kind of container, they’re remarkably easy to grow and overwinter (I put mine in a cold cellar – soak it thoroughly and walk away for three months)

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Doug writes a variety of practical tips like this at where he helps beginner gardeners with their practical gardening questions. The real thing you have to know about container gardening and herbs is that herbs act just like any other plant in a container. You use soilless mix right from top to bottom in the pot (adding clay shards to the bottom for drainage is an old wive’s tale) using as big a pot as you can and add a variety of herbs that you will both use and enjoy looking at.

Doug shows you his container that includes trailing rosemary, lemon grass, lemon verbena, variegated sage and golden oregano and all are harvested and used in the kitchen.

He notes that the design principles are the same as for any other container and so are the growing instructions. Herbs in containers need regular feeding if they are to grow while herbs in the garden get by with a shovel of compost in the spring. Herbs in containers also require much more water than their garden counterparts. You can see all these details at Doug’s website in the link above (use the “more content” tab in the top right hand corner and the search box on the bottom to look for even more information)

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  1. Sorry I am new at this…did you put the cuttings directly in the dirt or in water to root? I have a beautiful Rosemary bush outside of my home growing wildly and would love to know how to cut and regrow it. Thanks for your quick reply!

  2. Maz – it's a little trickier than shoving them into a glass of water although that might work (never works for me but I do know folks who do) I've written about plant propagation on my website at DougGreensGarden and have articles there on taking cuttings. But herb cuttings need help to root and shoving them into the soil isn't going to work.

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