Gardening Supplies

Gov't Is Not Doing This For Your Safety – It's Really Bad

🔥 Your Biggest Opportunity to Create Massive Wealth In 2023 is in THE PARALLEL ECONOMY. Join Me LIVE for 3 days as I teach you how to tap into this massive movement! 🔥

In the infamous words of Rahm Emanuel of “never letting a crisis go to waste,” we have seen time and time again tragedies being used as a rallying point or catalyst for the government to enact new laws that take away our freedoms!… But only for our safety, right?

There is a battle brewing over protecting our personal freedoms, and the last vestige of privacy and freedom is under attack right now, not in the future, BUT Right Now, and it’s being waged over our money!

The FTX scandal and regulations around cryptocurrencies are just a distraction. The omnibus bill and the fighting in Washington are also a distraction.

So in this video, I break down:

🔥 The fast-moving target that the government is coming for that will be the final stand
🔥 How we got here, what tools and tricks and narratives they are using
🔥 What’s at stake with our money, economy, privacy, and freedoms
🔥 How we push back and win

So let’s go.

➡️ “Crossing the Rubicoin” Article:
➡️ “In Praise of Bitcoin” Article:


➡️ Order “UnCommunist Manifesto” Here:


🔥 Don’t Worry About Taking Notes! You Can Get All My Slides and Resources!
Link to Learn More — 🔥

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Disclaimer: I am NOT a financial advisor, and nothing I say is meant to be a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. I will NEVER ask you to send me money to trade or invest for you. Please report any suspicious emails or fake social media profiles claiming to be me. Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading or investing. My videos may contain affiliate links or sponsorship to products I believe will add value to your life and help you. In some cases, I may receive payment or other consideration from the companies mentioned in the videos. No matter what I or anyone else says, it’s important to do your own research before making a financial decision. SEE FULL DISCLAIMER HERE:


  1. Yes, give the children (We the people) a Punch and Judy Show to make the sheeple think they are fighting for (We the people). Wake up people. They are now relying on defeatism. Make the sheeple think they are powerless by releasing the corruption information in a slow controlled way and then show that nothing happens. Same ol' same ol'. They attack the electrical infrastructure, the food, the supply line, direct storms (ues they can steer the weather). They are going for the guns constantly and get rid of cash and bring in biometric ID.

  2. In other words, the Banks are profiting from moving dirty money and the Government leaders are not getting their "cut". They are sending Guido (The IRS) to collect their "cut".

  3. When I checked out "wallets" They ask for your bank account number and home address. You have to set up an account with your bank and link it to the wallet. So this system is already in place. Then they suggest going through binance which is about to get shut down by the Government. Definitely not anonymous. McAffy had an anonymous coin and that is probably why he had committed suicide even though he announced he was not suicidal and said he would be wacked and even tattooed "wacked" on his body. How do you defeat a Government that can wack people and get away with it?

  4. It's about not being satisfied with just a "cut" of the Banks "take". It's about cutting out the middle man completely. The Bank. No banks required. Just Government creating the accounts and controlling the accounts. You better watch out you better not pout. You better not cry I'm telling you why. Satan is coming to town. He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you are awake. He knows if you've been naughty or nice. So you better be good for goodness sake. Oh, you better watch out. Satan is coming to town.

  5. We already have Cash and gold on blockchain BUSD/ PAXG.
    You can have physical bills and physical gold for more privacy.
    Btc is terrible store of value, doesn't even beat inflation and it tanked 80% compared to fiat, gold and everything else

  6. Never give up your rights.
    Do Fall for the beast system.
    Don't fall for the digital ID.
    It is a digital prison.
    Your aquiessence to IT, make you a criminal.
    IT is a ' no trust system,.
    Don't get the digital ID.

  7. For a guy who does not favor left or right. You seem to not have a democratic idea you like?? What does China or Russia have to do before you see they are a threat worth opposing? Especially when they threaten to cross specific lines.

  8. You are the generation that could care less if we standup for freedom. As long as the money is flowing you could careless if authoritarians come to power

  9. Mark
    Actually the gov’s coffers have $20 trillion missing if an audit was to be done….$20 with 12 zeros in front is missing….
    Kathryn Austin Fits…

  10. If we loose it….lol….like we have a choice. They own the media and present everything as if it was already passed and accepted. They will carry the torch of destruction until it is all ash and brimstone. Discusting really.

  11. The gov lost all legitimacy when they keep marijuana illegal but continue to allow alcohol to be legal when it harms Americans more than any other drug, AND THEN they make a naturally grown magic mushroom illegal, not addictive, not deadly and the ironic thing about it is that it can be used to treat alcoholism from legally sold alcohol that causes so much destruction in the lives of the American people. Nah. Nope. Corruption to the core. They need to be removed from the roots. Patiently waiting for Americans to come together against tyrant feds. It’s very likely to happen considering their agenda is forced upon us.

  12. the cdc has recently come to the realization that mask do nothing to prevent the beer flu. they should of asked me a couple of years ago about the effectiveness i would saved alot of money and anguish

  13. Since 2000, JP Morgan has been fined over $36 billion. If you don't believe it, you can Google it.

  14. With tracking on the web, the use of, or even holding bitcoin, etc can be made a *felony ….as it competes with governments' own crypto 'to the 'detriment of the people'….the value of any and all crypto can be driven *limitlessly below zero*… because owning, using or trading with can be declared a high level felony…people will avoid holding it like the plague.

  15. After the pushback from the last couple years I have more faith in the country and people than I had in 2019

  16. Johnson was doing unethical things as a politician? and he was a democrat? whoa whoa hey….this cant be true, we all know how honest the democrats are this must be false…LMAO

  17. I’m still trying to figure out how a certain politician today is now worth over $10 million and when she got elected in the last midterms, she couldn’t afford an apartment!!!!

  18. CBDC's are coming soon, and this is a reality. I don't like it, but it's coming, which is why I invest in cryptos or blockchains that will power the infrastructure of this new monetary system we are soon going to. What are these cryptos? Algorand, XRP, XLM, XDC, IOTA, Quant, HBAR to name a few. Why not Bitcoin? Why would you invest in something when you don't even know who created it, or why they created it? That would be very foolish even in the stock market. Imagine buying thousands of dollars of stocks in a company you knew nothing about? Did North Korea invent bitcoin or China? No one knows right? The US Government knows, but why won't they tell you?

  19. Gold and silver backed block chain .
    Just like elections.. need to go back to one day & paper ballots .. Same with money . Gotta flush bad business down the drain

  20. BTC is useful as money but doesn't have any incentives to hold it. ATOM on the other hand accomplishes both.

  21. The only thing that is going to save this country is revolution we need to find who is pulling the strings and end them because it’s not the politicians. They’re all being controlled by someone or something. in my opinion, every politician is a criminal. They’re trying to make as much money for themselves as they can, and they’ve sold out the American people time and time again.

  22. Great information Mark! However, this was written about over 2000 years ago. The writer called what is happening today system of the harlot. Please watch the book of revelation you have been warned by Brenda Weltner on YouTube. Please watch the first 10 minutes, then scroll to the 37 minute mark the details are in between.

    Bitcoin is not the answer, precisely because of the information that you gave about the CBD C

  23. Mark, what I don’t understand is why is no one looking at the contract between government and the Fed? Now long is the contract? How long is the US to be in bankruptcy from 1933/1934?

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