Japanese Garden

Friends, Gifts and Bonsai Work, The Bonsai Zone, Dec 2022

After a fun visit from Jay and Vince, it’s time to get busy on some of Xin’s trees!
We discuss all the problem areas of Xin’s Jade, his Pomegranate and his Ficus benjamina and then come up with a styling plan to improve the trees for the future.

Check out Xin’s YouTube channel “Maybe Bonsai” here….

Check out Jay’s YouTube channel “Blue jay Bonsai” here…



  1. There is something strange about Xin's Ficus in the neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? Dr. Nigel. When both of you said something strange about the branch it reminded me of the theme song for Ghostbusters. To bad we couldn't play the song to it with the words for the bonsai zone. Two great minds working together.

  2. Jay gives some awesome presents! Your advice and guidance to help make decisions on the trees is awesome. I just joined our local bonsai club and look forward to the mentorship I can gain.
    Thank you for sharing!

  3. ​ @TheBonsaiZone i am growing a mango seedling, i think it’s a cool project, perhaps if you plant one then in a fair few years we can compare results πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. How often to does everyone water their ficuses in the winter? Mine are by a bright west facing window with supplemental led lights. I wonder if my twice a week watering is too much or too little. They all seem to be doing well.

  5. Hi Nigel. I have been an avid follower for years. Thanks for every video you do. Since it's almost Christmas, from the small island of Capri, in Italy, to you and all your family, best wishes for joy and serenity.

  6. My son and sister want me to prune their Christmas cactus like yours. Fingers-crossed I get it looking as good as yours Nigel.
    I think I will practice on theirs before I do mine LOL! Just kidding!
    I am patiently waiting for you to show us your tamarind tree gift. I have a pair that are 4 years old (from seed – very easy to grow) but I'm too afraid to touch them till you give your advice on your show.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best for the new year!

  7. I found Christmas cactus at my local Kroger and bc of you and Tony's Bonsai I've been rlly tempted to get one to start training as bonsai as well πŸ˜… lol if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't even have batted an eye

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