Gardening Supplies

Grow Oyster Mushrooms at Home in a Bucket! (Super Easy Method) | GroCycle

Growing mushrooms isn’t always difficult! In this video, we look at one of the easiest ways of growing delicious oyster mushrooms at home.
#mushrooms #growmushroomsathome #growinbucket

All you need for this is:

– 20L food grade bucket (5 gallon)
– 0.5kg Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn (1lb)
– 2.5kg Chopped Straw or Hard Wood Chips (5.5 lbs)

We run you through the process step-by-step, and at the end of this you’ll have a wonderful crop of delicious oyster mushrooms… It’s so much fun too!


00:14 Introduction
00:58 Preparing your bucket
01:58 Pasteurising and hydrating your substrate
04:37 Inoculating and incubating
05:49 Fruiting your mushrooms
07:54 Harvesting

Links from our video:

– 5 Low Tech Ways of Pasteurizing Substrate

Related videos from our channel:

– What is Mushroom Substrate? Take a deep dive into the wonderful world of mushroom substrate:

– Easiest Way To Grow Oyster Mushrooms At Home

– Top 10 Tips for beginner mushroom farmers:

At GroCycle, we grow mushrooms the Low Tech way, and it’s a great way to grow mushrooms with minimal energy use. We’ve put together an hour long, FREE workshop that covers all aspects of Low Tech mushroom farming:


  1. You can place the bucket with holes into a bucket without holes for the colonization. Blocks light and minimizes O2. Once it's ready to fruit, pull the bucket with holes out of the other bucket and set it in the fruiting environment.
    Thanks for all the helpful info!!!

  2. When Fruiting in a bucket or a bag, which method produces the best clusters if the bag and/or bucket capacity is comparable?

  3. Cover the holes with micropore tape to keep the humidity in and contamination out. Remove it when colonisation is done.

  4. Does anyone have an opinion or data on the yield of this method vs the yield of grow bags methods (either sawdust or sawdust+soy hulls)?

  5. You want the water to be 70°C AFTER you put the substrate in, otherwise the contaminants aren't really seeing much less soaking in that temp.

  6. I did this similar with same size holes.

    I would suggest smaller holes so the chance removing subszrate when harvesting is smaller

  7. Please, do a video or blog on how to fruit mushrooms in a bottle or jar? I'd like to grow on a smaller scale. Can straw be used to grow mushroom in a jar?

  8. Don't you have contamination problems with this low time/temperature sterilisation/pasteurisation of the wheat straws? it's because you don't use any supplement? Did you stopped using coffee ground? thank you 🙂

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