Gardening Trends

Fireside Chats with Terry! Terry answers viewer questions and gets REAL about his life of creativity

He’s the quirky, creative gardener, space designer, and YouTube host we all love and he’s in the hot seat! In this episode, Terry’s producer, Emily, sits down with Terry to discuss the channel, how COVID affected his event design business (The English Garden), and how he landed himself in a lifelong career of creativity. This is an intimate conversation of friends over some wine that will hopefully give you insight into the Terry White brain!

Connect with Terry:
@veryterrywhite on Instagram on the web on Facebook

Terry’s Day Job: Floral Designer/Owner of The English Garden on the web
@theenglishgardenweddings on Instagram on Facebook

Disclaimer: I’m a self-proclaimed jack-of-all trades space designer and gardener. Therefore, as the saying goes, ‘…I’m a master of none’. I am not a horticulturist. I’m simply a lover of plants who knows enough to keep things alive and glorious! I’m here to inspire ideas for you to try in your own space. Do all, one, or none! Just enjoy!

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