Gardening Supplies


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Information: Brad/Full Spectrum Survival is not a doctor, medical professional, investor, or lawyer. Each of the statements made by Brad, Kelley, their guests and/or this channel are opinions of events only and not instructions or advice. NO information on this site should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition or give legal or investment advice. Brad, Kelley, and Full Spectrum Survival thanks each one of our Patreon members for making our outreach possible. We often work with outreaches and organizations to share information, both positive and negative, about items that fit within the genre of our community. Videos and information, text and website driven, may include the sponsorship of our Patreon members who request reviews of specific items and the discussion of topics or outreaches and organizations. At no time do we ever sway our judgement for an item or topic based on these requests. Integrity and our community are the first and utmost priority for our entire team and family. We thank you for being here with us and being a part of this amazing community.


  1. San Francisco had a Biblical Flood today. (12-31-22). with 3 landslides in San Fran propper. HYway 101 is shut down 50,000 people have no power. There are approximately 65,000 homeless people in San Francisco, many VETS and people with jobs who have been priced out of their homes (affordable housing is a thing of the past). Same in LA.
    I am a New Yorker and found that the frozen bodies of the homeless (hundreds) in Buffalo, NY, were not added to the list of the dead and injured found in their homes.
    People seeking Asylum in the US need help, yet, they are given priority over American Citizens with Social Service Benefits. like section 8 housing . It takes most homeless people a couple of years to go through the process of filling out the right forms to receive the benefits that their tax dollars have payed for in income tax . Many are trying to keep their jobs as they live in trailers in homeless encampments with their children (taking showers, trying to stay warm, feeding their families) while they try to survive is a daily battle). Even Medical and Law students, who have immense student loans to pay are part of these trailer communities of homeless people. There is no affordable housing in any of our cities.
    I do not expect to hear anything on mainstream news of the thousands of deaths of the homeless on the streets of San Francisco, just as the frozen solid bodies of those in Buffalo were not reported. I pray for Our People who are displaced from weather disasters in Christ's Name, especially the little children who are homeless and whose parents are trying to keep their families together . Amen

  2. Question: I'm trying to find an affordable solution for a small generator: to power a lamp, charge entertainment devices, and heat food with a stinger. This is the fourth time I've asked. I thought we were a community. I think I've being ignored because i've backed you up on not being left or right, brad.

  3. Thank you Brother GOD bless you & your Family.
    Thank you for caring to share your wisdom ,we all have a way to help others.Stay resilient.๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒบ๐Ÿชถ๐Ÿฌ

  4. Love the prep tips on the videos, Brad and Kelley, thank you. Happy New Year to everyone here! God bless you all.

  5. Folks need to pull their heads out of their @ss and realize USA has deteriorating and inferior infrastructure that is responsible for delivering of electricity and natural gas and fuel and water and the badly needed upgrades and construction of needed infrastructure to deliver these utilities is being denied for Washington DC's quest for Empire which is draining much needed financial resources for the nation to fund DC's ongoing war whoring. Know where your misery is coming from: it's not Russia nor China nor any other "enemy" but the enemy of the Americans is in Washington DC and is commonly known as the Federal Reserve and the Federal government!

  6. Perhaps if we all love our neighbours as ourselves and work towards a kinder more loving world then 2023 will be a good year???

  7. I would expect it to be worseโ€ฆ or at least acknowledge, the likelihood โ€ฆ
    because 2022 was not that bad

  8. Stockpile lighters. They're cheap to buy now. If you're not a smoker, most people don't own a lighter. Without power a good lighter will be very needed by all. So it'll make a very good bartering tool.

  9. Question-or rather comment- thank you for all you do and know that a life changing event can come in many forms. For us it happened Christmas Eve when sub zero temps interrupted our municipal water service. Today is Jan 1st and we still have no running water at the house. We do, however have a well from which we are drawing water and much bottled water to use for drinking and cooking. And we have a small camper to which we have hooked up the well water and take hot showers and wash dishes. So because we are prepared we are able to sustain a sanitary life.

  10. During those years I tried not to defend to the govt. I just defend our daily needs on my prayers and what is God's will. So far, we survived all the difficulties and trials we had been facing everyday….God is merciful, I'm so grateful ๐Ÿ™

  11. 16oz plastic bottles of powder milk, eggs,rice, lentils, lemonade mix,coffee, ice tea mix ,sugar, salt, and flour. All good trade items. Ibuprofen, aspirin, tooth ache gel,tooth paste and brushes. God Bless all.

  12. ((( ALERT ! ))) Cartels taking millions of gallons of water a day to water their massive marijuana operation in Northern California authorities ain't being aggressive enough .PLEASE. ! ADDRESS THIS NO MORE WATER IN California soon !


  14. was just thinking about all the people who are putting all this energy into prepping for these extreme conditions have a better chance of surviving. we will have a better chance at survival but its probably going to come with a fair amount of emotional scarring by the time everything has passed, and the good times return.

  15. Happy new year brad
    Thanks for the show
    The consistency and the prep tipsโ€ฆ.one of the best this year was the of 100% all
    The time in prep
    Mode โ€ฆ. Meaning raising my alert level during the fun phase of the day!!! Getting exercise sun and improving my health
    This year is the year to improve steadily and in a way that allows me
    To feel successful!!!
    Grateful for this community

  16. My Dad was an Officer. He always carried a fire extinguisher in his vehicles and he lead by example. So all of us kids carried one too. I was traveling back and forth for college and was on the highway. Cane across a gentleman in a pickup that had flames in his engine. I stopped got out the extinguisher and put the fire out. I always paid attention to what Dad said and did. It has paid massive dividends over the years. He was an intelligent person as well as loving and caring. He also taught us prepping before it was the thing to do. He saw all that is happening now over 60 years ago. He taught us skills to be self-sufficient and how to be prepared for emergencies. I will always be thankful for all he taught us. Mom taught us skills as well from cooking, cleaning, sewing etc. The boys would spend a month with Mom learning and the girls with Dad. Then the next month we would switch. It produced well rounded individuals. They also taught logic and common sense. We also had lots of love, laughter and fun.

  17. This 2023 will really be a eye opener for all even the hard core doubters because they are going to first hand experiences of a failing system โ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ

  18. All part of the WEF Great Reset Green Depopulation Agenda…its going to get interesting…

  19. Single travel have a carry-on luggage and computer bag with shelf stable food for three days each way if stuck at the airport. Your first stop at your destination should be the grocery store for shelf stable food and drinks for at least seven days. It can be done. I had to do this about fifteen years ago.

  20. If you have a generator use your food dehydrator on the lowest setting for a few hours at a time if your heater breaks.

  21. In my foraging classes I show students a plant (root) and I say : "if we run out of food this plant will keep you alive." In one class a 20-something woman, tossed the root away. When I gave her a questioning look, she said "I can't eat it now." Seems she is a raw vegetarian. Misguided folks like her will be the first to die.

  22. I think youโ€™ve covered this but for the lady looking for tips is to know how to treat any wounds. Maybe carry some clotting packs.

  23. Around 16:30, I love your response about being asked about being an atheist or not (or they could have easily also have asked if you are a follower or not, or some political affiliation or not, etc). So many people, esp YT channels like to make that information ultra obvious, cultivating a particular audience, and then proceed to tell people what to think rather than help them to think. "Lead by actions, not declaration". I have people guessing what religion (if any), which political side (assumptions are made), and so on. I figure I am doing something right if they don't know, and if they do figure any of it out, then they also know that I do not have an agenda pertaining to that, no driven bias in my information sharing or education. My tolerance is high for differences, but low for treating others badly, or getting in the way of a pursuit that doesnt impact me or mine. I'd rather not know what label people align themselves with, simply because too many gray areas exist. I find that it is easier to be dismissive, create an enemy, an Us vs Them mentality when we do so. I had an inkling of your.. stance.. but your verbage seems more inclusive versus exclusive. You finished off that you find faith to be important part of preparedness. I may differ in that entirely, but I imagine many of the steps we are otherwise taking are similar. Thanks for food for thought on that.

  24. Happy New Year to you and yours! Thank you for the valuable information; loved your reply to a personal question! ๐Ÿค—

  25. Been a prepper for a few decades. Have relied on my preps for various situations. None of this is exactly new, except the poly crisis aspect. Hits coming from all over with long term reaches and effect (systems thinking is important here). Over the years most of my gifts for folks have been practical preparedness style items for home and car. I think if folks are not on board for home prepping then they may be at least open to car prepping. I consider it a way to talk about prepping without divulging my own way of life, and then I just hope that they can make the mental reach from car prep to in-home prep. Always had a BOB/Go/GH in my car since I first started driving. Not learned from anyone, I just happen to have the mentality for it (mini prepper as a toddler even). I was made fun of it over the years, but I it sure came in handy several times over. Easier to discuss with people, and it's easier for them to wrap their minds around it and not sound so scary or cumbersome. I like how you added in framing it as helping someone else.

  26. QUESTION: Is it possible to purchase your laminated cards from 2022 in a bulk pack?
    Iโ€™m not a patron member. Thanks in advance. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  27. Hope will not save you , Planning will, Don't give False hopes without Planning. That is how you will Survive.

  28. As an atheist, I'm very grateful for your religion-neutral stance in your videos. Some of the other people I watch are overtly religious and it absolutely reduces my respect for their skepticism. Your wisdom makes you more trustworthy, and I don't feel like an unwelcomed part of the community.

  29. JESUS will calm your storm! Receive him now as LORD, and SAVIOR!!!!! What's happening all over the world has been predicted in the HOLY BIBLE!!! John 3:16

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