Garden Plans

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  1. Happy New Year to you and yours, i'm loving watching. But, isn't that window cut out a bit too low?. Just kidding.

  2. Happy New Year McKenzie and Spencer, a great way for all your followers end 2022 and head into 2023. We use sketchup at work in addition to our main software, you're doing great with it and mistakes… it's all part of learning process. Love your kids and very cute.
    BTW, I got to hear about you guys (Studebaker Drivers Club) about 4 years ago when you'd made a bit of progress on the first container!

  3. Happy New Year you guys, Spencer you got this most men would not even try to build a shipping container house, your doing great keep your head up.
    God bless you guys. Love your dog and the deer at night such a cool picture.🎉🤗

  4. The people that you picture coming to stay in the cabin, how long are picturing them staying…at one stretch? Would they want/need a lot of storage? How much stuff are they gonna need? Sink – yes.. Fridge – yes. (Big fridge – not.) Micro -yes, Two Burner Cook top (of some sort) – yes. Toaster Oven – perhaps. A bit of counter space – yes. Room and stuff for staying 3 months – probably not.

  5. No biggie. You are allowed to make mistakes. However, this is one reason I think working with wood is better. All you jave to do is remove the nails/screws and move it.

  6. That mistake is an opportunity to create a decorative window, or carving that will make your guest cottage uniquely beautiful. Perhaps a stained glass transom

  7. Such a fun channel to watch.!! Always happy no matter what! That’s why you both will successful !!!🥰 HAPPY NEW YEAR.

  8. I honestly thought you should just leave window as is and put a decorative shelf above the window. You don’t need a lot of cabinet space in guest quarters.

  9. Sending lots of love and prayers for safety tomorrow (Mon 1/2) from the severe weather. Stay Safe! <3

  10. Mistakes happen. It's how we learn and figure out how to fix it. I'm glad your laughing about it instead of beating yourself up!

  11. Time is up, the corruption of Almighty God’s creation by the adversary is being revealed. MTF & FTM cannot hide themselves any longer. In the beginning, He made them male and female, skeletons do not change with chemicals T & E. Many shall run and hide at His coming, so shall it be. Repentance is a real thing for anyone who has been caught up in this generational curse. Christ is the redeemer, the anointed One sent from God the Father.

  12. I´vd guessed it would be a update of the software that did the fault… atleast it would be a good excuse… happy newyear, and keep on ! – rgds fm Denmark. 😉

  13. it is just me. if thy drop the window down . Spencer can't see out of it. I guess that's not what is desired

  14. Can you imagine making a mistake when building and having someone constantly laugh at you while you're clearly showing that you don't think it's funny.

  15. Happy new Year to all of you, you're doing a great job and you're a great family, I wish you all the best for 2023. Greetings from Germany!

  16. I was laughing out loud right along with y'all. This was too funny and I bet was even better in person. Great job, as always, keeping your cool under the pressure of being human ❤

  17. At the 5;25 mark, you see the son trying to climb the ladder and "Bear" dog looks over at Mommy with the camera as if to say, "Uhhh, Mom I dont think this is a good idea!" The other thing is, and anyone who has ever built anything knows you will make mistakes somewhere. It will always be a learning process. No worries.

  18. I think Spenser has definitely got his ducks in a row, despite the minor set backs, he figures it out and executes it. Without fail. Nice going Spenser.

  19. Your problem is man you overthink things. And sometimes when you overthink things you set yourself up for problems without even realizing it. Now I'm not saying under think things, but overthinking things can be just as bad as under thinking things. You'll learn as you go on.

  20. They have these pretty cool designs for folding stairs that could be hidden in a narrow space (like… the single width of a piece of plywood) in the cabinets. That could help you access high cabinets.

  21. Is there no way to just use it how it is? Or just put another little window above it

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