Gardening Supplies

5 Reasons Why Long Term Food Storage Is Better Than Homesteading (For Most People)

The amount of work and effort, time, and LAND that is required to grow most or all of your food is a lot bigger than most people realize. Long Term Food storage is still the single most important step toward preparedness that people can take.

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Always come here for the latest news on all prepper related food shortage. Prepper news similar to other channels like Canadian prepper, alaska prepper, full spectrum survival, pinball preparedness, the economic ninja, and goshen prepping. As the europe drought, energy crisis europe, and financial crisis 2022 get worse we need to be prepping for 2022. Having a prepared homestead so you can be ready for the empty shelves 2022, inflation, recession, walmart food shortages, and aldi empty shelves 2022.


  1. Home grown vegetables are the pesticides and chemicals.everyone should grow some tomatoes and even greens in pots .a small raised box on a balcony would produce a nice salad

  2. I live rurally in a small country town and I am a homemaker. I've got three children, one of which is disabled. My fiance works hard bringing in an income. I do both long term storage and homesteading. I'm raising meat rabbits and I have a flock of chickens. I'm working on growing a garden that will feed us and our livestock. My rabbits fertilize my garden for me. I focus on growing perennials and multi use plants as well as medicinal plants. It's an extremely small and modest homestead that I'm only able to care for due to my situation. I also stock up every spare space with preps and I'm trying to connect with others I'm my area that have the right mindset. I study useful skills in my free time, what little I have. Theres alot you can do with a little.

  3. I'm so thankful someone finally said something. And I am glad it was you. I've been saying this for two years now.
    We live in the suburbs. Prepping is not the be all, end all. Surviving is good but when all this consumes your life you're not living.
    Be prepared. Then go live your life.
    And on a practical note – there isn't even enough land for everyone if 300 million people decided to start homesteading tomorrow.

  4. Steve, I actually grew some of my food. Time, water, and a lot of dead plants. It's HARD. it is doable, but training is a thing you and I need. Good luck.

  5. As a guy who grows 95% of his own food on 5 acres, I have to agree with what you say. Food is historically super cheap even after the current inflation is factored in. At the end of every summer I think of giving it all up, getting a job and living relatively easy. But then I get a break in winter and figure I can do it again one more year. Learning how to preserve food is probably the best way to start homesteading, before you make the leap to the country. The other thing is to get your health in order. Gardening has a steep learning curve, so start in containers or whatever you can do if you are restricted to residential living. After SHTF, my food will be worth more to me than gold…

  6. Steve, my wife and I ate 50 pounds of rice, with chicken powder in 4 months. Minimum 150 pounds of rice a year….with other foods.

  7. The worst thing that can happen to you is becoming a beast by changing your DNA and then actually becoming eternal. Or being trapped in the "cloud" after downloading your consciousness into a beautiful new AI body or some other Satanic vessel. The worst, very worst thing that can happen to you is to be separated from God.

  8. Government going to make everybody share evenly things get bad enuff anyways so yall just preparing for my family lol

  9. Fun fact: A farmer in the early 1900's could provide food for 10 people. A farmer in the early 2000's can provide food for 150 people.

  10. Pretending that you understand the future while ignoring reality is setting yourself up for a big disappointment. What is it about "you will own nothing, and be happy" that you don't understand?

  11. Completely living on the grid had been made impossible. We rely on something from outside your homestead…. Unless you have an awful lot of money. Someone has to stay home full-time. I buy stuff when I can… No shame.

  12. If you are in the suburbs and expect to grow a garden in SHTF, you better have more freedom seeds to defend your garden seeds. Garden is great for short-term eating off the vine or tree or canning for the winter. Not a long-term food plan. Those that buy the heirloom seed cans are going to be sorely disappointed.

  13. The key is to do both. Once you open those supplies the clock starts ticking. Grow what you can and learn to forage. Supplement with stored foods. Gardening is also exercise and fresh air.

  14. I was convinced I wanted to homestead a couple of years ago, but I think I just wanted to feel more prepared than actually live that lifestyle. I do still try to garden when I can but my focus has definitely shifted to living my purpose right now. Life is short so you need to find balance between being prepared and living your best life.

  15. Long term food ok but put some booze in your preps . Coffee with a bit of rum and sweet cream for me sir .
    No one can live on bread alone I like the Johny Apple sead ideal spread wild food plants trees bushes around they fead you and God's critters . Be a good steward to the land . Yes small plots help . Larger the garden the more attention you attract. Know the soil and how to make it productive.
    I tell you some souls very sandy thin upper soil, I see lot of that around me and into Michigan. A raised bed is best option vrs plowing . Some areas are heavy on gravel and stones like northern Indiana . The soul lose fertilizer fast .
    Learn how to work and build your soil quality. Rotate crops in raised plots let one plot go fallow for a year your scraps will build it as you clear other garden plots. Burning branch's leafs and such make it stronger and kill surface grubs and weads seads this is old ways with out fancy TECK fertilizer or weads and pest control

  16. Steve I agree. Homesteading is not full proof but it's is a force multiplier. But you still have to buy your preps,like anything else it's just another tool to survive.

  17. Hi Steve,

    As a citydweller with a 130 square yard garden at my disposal i plan on growing veggies to compliment my stored food suply.
    I have grown veggies for 7 years and i am blessed with green fingers but i can tell that it isn't as easy at all.
    Pests and diseases can really ruin a crop.
    Preppers whom have a "survival seedbank" but never put a spade in the ground are in for a rude awakening!
    Practice makes perfect, that goes for basicly anything.
    And for me personaly i am not afraid to die. To die is to be present with the Lord! (If you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior)
    And i know it will be a whole lot better than living through a major catastrophy. :))
    GOD bless you brother.

  18. Homesteading isnt sustainable for most of the population. Its literally why humans congregated and built cities and mass farmed. In the great depression people flocked TO the cities, not away

  19. Thank you for this video. Let’s not forget about the thousands of books that have been written about how to be a great gardener. Why? Because it takes talent and skill to do so. This past summer I proved to myself that I do not have the talent to be a gardener as I watched all my efforts die. Sigh.

  20. I don't think there's a better chore for little kids than taking care of animals that you use for sustenance and you're ok with letting them die of your kids neglect them. Just because, in my opinion, there's not a better way to learn that actions have life and death consequences. Most kids intuitively know that but watching something die because of something reckless or just lazy you did or didn't do leaves an impression. That's not something that usually happens twice. I think kids who have the benefit of that experience make more responsible adults.

    Edited to add: I don't think it's possible to homestead without a minimum of 40 acres and a mule.

  21. Thanks for this inspired video. Only one person knows what we should be doing and can give us the correct guidance. What is correct for one person isn’t correct for another. The Lord loves us all and can guide the path to the right way. Some people can do a lot to prepare, others not as much. The parable of the loaves and fishes should not be forgotten. After doing the best that we can, we can lean on faith in the Lord.

  22. I live and work on a homestead. We cannot keep livestock as we get trespassing poachers that shoot at everything that moves including me. I have to constantly call the game Warden and Police. They just give these trespassing poachers warnings. One of them shot and killed a bald eagle this last fall which I believed to be a protected species but apparently not as anymore.

  23. The current administations financial policies are making it really easy, in my mind, to beginning stock piling food. Where are you going to stick your excess money? Savings? .25% interest with 8+% inflation makes no sense. CDs? Maybe 1-2%. Long story short, hard assets are the only logical "investment" at this time. And even with food up doube digits it's steal really cheap. Stockpile NOW. Learn skills NOW. Get the tools you need/may need NOW. And live your life. I have the land to homestead. I have been planting fruit trees and annual edibles. But even with eggs at todays prices it still makes more sense to buy them while you can vs the cost/knowledge/time and recurring maintenance of raising chickens for eggs.

  24. The vervet monkeys would be eating my garden… I have banana plants and I have 6 bunches now and they are getting eatan green…

    😂Thats my current issue..😭…

    In my case my banana s are murdered 😂💔💔💔🍌🍌🍌and eatan.

  25. Homesteading is something I would like to do at some point, but to do it right there are some things you need to understand before you decide to homestead:

    1. It must be something you believe in. If you think it sounds like fun because you saw some You Tube videos, you need to reconsider.
    2. Homesteading must be your full-time job, because it is one.
    3. You need to have at least two passive income streams up and running.
    4. You need to have some hard assets off the table as insurance.
    5. Your family must be on board with you.

  26. ??? $500/$600 of rice beans you'll have your 1 year food covered. ARE YOU REMOTELY SERIOUS.. First.. who is going to or who can eat rice/beans every day for 1 year? You will be very unhealthy in a fairly short amount of time with just RICE/BEANS daily .. 2ND YOU NEED PROTEIN – period. Vegans.. I'm sure they're all wounds up right about now.. toooo bad! Beans are NOT A COMPLETE PROTEIN. There better be more than just rice and beans in your 1 year food supply. 3rd, so many people are already unhealthy.. they have one or more unhealthy issues/behaviors.. smoking, drinking, gobbling sugar foods, over weight by 25lb or more.. that's the short list..and then there is the dreaded Aging factor.. and being out of shape.. So.. if the plan is to spend $500/$600 on beans and rice, and expect to make it.. well… that's gonna be a real rough way to go.

  27. The question I have, is will the government provide adequate reimbursement for the homesteader when they confiscate their land in their plans to preserve biodiversity? Or will they just steal it? Will it even matter after they collapse the petro dollar and put us on centrally controlled digital currency?

  28. I don't know of anyone that I'd self-sufficient, even Amish get lots of supplies from others it's called community

  29. I have been seriously gardening for about five years now. The first two or three years if there hadn't been a grocery store we would have starved. It takes time to learn and make mistakes. I also am stockpiling beans, rice and store goods in addition to my gardening and canning People who think they are going to walk out after SHTF and throw some seeds in the ground are probably not going to survive.😢. In addition most farmers are not going to want a bunch of greenhorns on their farm messing up their well run systems. They would look at it as a babysitting burden.

  30. You work to buy food… You work to grow food.
    Work is work and with cost rising at stores… It's better to have lived a homestead life than to try and start from scratch

  31. I agree! Definitely wise words. I have enjoyed learning to garden, but it is a hobby and I am learning. We are not all called to farm. God calls us to be salt and light and that means being among people for my family. Others are called to do things differently.

  32. I enjoy fantasizing about what the post collapse will look like instead of considering our reality.

  33. If you have unused yard space, your looking at this wrong. Plant all your waste space in edible weeds let them grow wild, plant them forget them.. They will be there when you need them. In your gardens grow your herbs and greens for nutrients.small spaces can add a lot to your food stores. Use the space you have now when you need it the food will he there. The more room you have the more shtf food you will have. Don't mow it plant it. Good luck all😊

  34. It's interesting to look on Amazon for things I've bought in the past. The increase is prices is stunning sometimes. Some things have stayed the same or similar but most have skyrocketed. One item that we bought in 2017 (the last time we bought it) has literally doubled. Yikes.

  35. Thank you Steve—- I would like to remind people that sodium levels in long term food storage can be too high for the average person let alone someone on a sodium restricted diet….

  36. I think it would be best to just arm yourself in a SHTF situation and then when the time comes start looking for those who are spending their time prepping and pillage them.

  37. Not everyone can homestead, prep or even garden. Poor, impoverished, low or no income people cannot. Living in apartment especially upstairs with no balcony or a fake one makes it difficult. Disabled folks may have difficulty. Seniors in facilities. Plus owning property is expensive and requires the ability to either have the funds or credit to buy. City dwellers as well as suburban ones nearly all rely on their jobs and most barely are able to save enough and are using their credit cards to make ends meet. A few pots of greens or such in an apartment will not sustain even a single individual. So stock piling is the only choice….IF… there is extra money to do so. To say anyone can well, tell that to an extremely impoverished single mother choosing, if she can, between food and heating her home which she probably is already late on the rent. If people would find ways to help these folk become more secure rather than say it can be done it would accomplish more. Neighborhood local, right within walking distance community gardens. Eliminating food deserts. Local neighborhood grocers that don't sell alcohol or cigarettes. Schools teaching whole families life skills. These are a few solutions.

  38. I hear people talk about how they will just go hunting for wildlife to put meat on their table. Most people know nothing about hunting. They doing have a gun? Now hunting takes practice.
    A little spoken of fact is during the depression a lot of wildlife were hunted to near extinction.. Deer populations plummeted. This government will do whatever it takes to control the food. They will outlaw hunting.

  39. Age and health are huge factors also. I'm not getting any younger and gardening has changed for me. I used to row garden in the ground. I find as I age I need raised beds. We have a homestead and grow our own meats. Even that gets harder with age. You are spot on about needing to stock up on store-bought items. They can and do supplement what you grow and take pressure off when the growing season is off. Last year everyone I know that gardens had no green beans and very few tomatoes. Buckle up butter cups I feel we are in for a bumpy ride this year. God Bless every one of you!!!

  40. If you have a fulltime job, you don't have time or endurance for a garden. If you are impatient, gardening is not for you. If you are trying to save money by growing your own, you will be disappointed. What are YOU going to do when you run out of food? You will, and someone will have taken whatever is left before you. Humpty Dumpty is falling and there is no one to come to his aid.

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