Garden Plans

Flosstube #24 – 2023 Plans!

What are my stitchy plans for 2023? I go through all of the goals I have for my cross stitching…

My Etsy shop –

Patterns mentioned:
– A Stitching Shelf by Aimee Stewart –
– Winter Montage by Janet Stever –
– Autumn Montage by Janet Stever –
– Dark Cinderella by Barrett Biggers –
– Feline Force 2 by Sophie Wilkins
– Summer Memory Jars by Susan Bates – or you can find them in CrossStitcher magazine August 2018
– Baby Boots by Vervaco –
– Seashell Treasures by Dimensions –
– Forever & Ever by Cottage Garden Samplings –
– Touch of Magic by Caterpillar Cross Stitch –
– Hello Sunshine by Caterpillar Cross Stitch –
– The Animal House by Satsuma Street –
– Easter Egg Trio by Karen Bowen – April 2022 Just Cross Stitch magazine
– Owl Bookmark by Povitrulya –
– Mini Top Frog by Jody Bergsma –
– Day Dreaming by Merejka –
– Raven by Nora Corbett –
– Bird Song by Alexandra Gallagher –
– Kids Picture Alphabet by Eccentric Avenue –

Find me on Instagram as @blushingpinkstitches
If you need to email me it’s

If you want to support my channel you can buy me a Kofi using this link – ☺️

#crossstitch #fullcoverage #heavenandearthdesigns #stitching #astitchingshelfsal #anythingaimeesal #dimensionskit


  1. You have some beautiful projects – I hope that you will be able to finish the ones you want to finish.

    I really don’t have any plans for next year – I do want to start a Amy Stewart – Once Upon a Fairy Tale -I will be doing mine on 18 Count.

    I would love to get Alphabet Soup Finished in the New Year – this is my second oldest WIP that I have.

    I also would love to finish Frosty Forest in the new year too.

    If I can finish these two projects in the New Year I will be so happy.

    I also need to finish the Police Car too before Spring because I need to get this finished and get it framed and given to my local Police Department. I have been focusing on this a lot lately.

    I will have New Starts in the New Year – Some Full Coverage and Non Full Coverage.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family – Happy New Year

    Take Care & Happy Stitching


  2. I'm going to do 5 in 5 for next year. I pick 5 projects for the month, working on each one for 5 days. That gives me a few "extra" days each month to either spend on a project which may be nearing a page finish, do some FFOing or work on a small gift etc if needed quickly. Hoping that way I might get a couple of finishes next year! Enjoy Christmas with your family x

  3. Throughout the last couple of years I’ve tried to have lots of goals in place for the year. WIPGO or various challenges. This year I’ve peeled it all back and I have two focus pieces which I will dedicate every second week solely to. Every other week I have free reign over what I stitch on. I’m trying no new starts 2023 so I will make my final new start of 2022 on Dec 31st. It’s a SAL for God Shed His Grace (Artecy pattern) which is being run by Adventures of Stitching. That will get worked on on Sundays each week. I feel this plan offers plenty of freedom and also sees plenty of time dedicated to the two patterns I want to focus on. Thanks for sharing your plans!

  4. I try not to plan anything because I don't usually stick to them lol. At this moment in time I'd like to have two new starts both medium full coverage. Finish the full coverage from PFC and one that I'm about half way through from Stitching Jules. The only things I want to purchase are threads lol. Watch this space. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. Stay safe🤗

  5. I'm participating in Wip warriors 23:23 for next year. I have chosen 17 projects. I will only do the event challenges in their group next year and see how much I can get done

  6. Hi Lindsi,
    Wow, you have a lots of goals.
    I want to keep track this year of my progress. I have attempted it before and never followed through. This year, I am really going to make more effort. I think my biggest goal is to pull out some old WIPs and UFOs to finish. I have learned to aim for achievable and then add to it later. I am aiming for 3 old stitching projects and 3 old quilt projects to be completed. I also want to FFO 3 of the stitching pieces my mother made for me. I think these are doable. If I find I finish most of the things by the autumn then I will add a project or two.
    I hope you can get the alphabet stitched and up on the wall for Bella in 2023. She will grow up fast and it will be so sweet for her to have that memory of your having done that when she was young.
    I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas and I am looking forward to stitching with you in the new year!! 🎄🧵

  7. Hi Lindsi! Love your ambitious goals and will look forward to following you as you achieve them! I'm working on deciding my and will post soon! Merry Christmas! Lori

  8. I love your plans for next year, I need to figure out if I’m going to be making goals for myself or just continue to do whatever I feel like 😆

  9. Hi Lindsey – great to see and hear your plans for next year – going to sort mine so Lauren ( aka flossibilities) can discuss on her next floss tube . Can I ask which cutting machine you use for your floss drops, I make my own but want a better device that is more accurate and less fiddly ! Thanks Have a lovely xmas xx.

  10. Love how you are turning your goals, giving you lots of choice. Good my brain going on what I might want to do next year, thank you. I think I will make a to finish and a to start list. Have a lovely Christmas.

  11. Your full coverage pieces make my nerves bad 😂 but I look forward to watching you progress through them and I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines! I’ve done loads of seasonal stitching this year and sometimes it’s felt like I’m factory stitching!! Next year I want to be more present in my stitching and really enjoy every single stitch! Just trying to think of a way of doing that! Am starting 2 Mirabilias as it’s my big birthday year – so we’ll see how they go!

  12. Hey Lindsi, I heard about your channel through Jenn backcountry stitcher. I finally got through all your videos, I have absolutely loved seeing you from the beginning to the present. Love all if your WIP'S and the kits you want to do. I have been stitching for about the last forty years, I have never done anything close to the beautiful pieces you have done or are doing. I would love to do one of the Mirabella's but I am so afraid of the beading and specialty stitches. Just wanted to let you know I much I love watching your videos. Oh, and Bella is adorable!

  13. I love your goals – looking forward to seeing your progress. I've set myself a limit of 10 WIPS in 10 categories (details in my videos #4 and #5)- sort of like your 1 in 1 out idea. I'm a new and slow stitcher and would love to do a HAED one day, but if yours is going to take 20 years, mine would be longer and I'd probably be over 80 by the time it's finished!

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