Japanese Garden

Women in This Town Compete to Find a Husband Because of a Man Shortage

Everyone in the world is different. That’s the magic of our humble little planet. Those cultural differences make life exciting. But some places are… let’s just say, more different than others. These are the 20 weirdest cities in the world!

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  1. Simple solution, reliable men should move there or women should move away to where there are more men or maybe that's just radical thinking.

  2. U should have asked the little people who they thought of there life in that village……it is better for these Thai people who wear those brass rings around their neck to have some employment and ability to stay together to preserve their way of life and heritage ….but once again u should have asked them, themselves

  3. They need to team them up with asians they have a millions of men surplus because of female infanticide

  4. Are the women pictured in the thumbnail from the country they were saying there’s a man shortage???

  5. I want to go to the island where all the rabbits are that is amazing I've never heard of this on the other hand I wonder how many people are eating rabbit🤣 and yes the monkeys are very smart I got a picture one time with one that somebody had and it took my necklace ward off my neck🤣

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