Backyard Garden

My Landscape Photography in 2022

Join me for a round up of my landscape photography in 2022 and a look ahead to what I’ve got coming up in 2023. A big thanks for your support in watching my videos this year, all the best for 2023!

0:00 Intro
01:53 Harris Trip
04:06 Assynt Trip
05:50 Summer
06:58 Holme Fell Mist
08:16 Autumn
11:07 Winter Hoar Frosts
14:58 Favourite image of 2022
16:31 Coming up in 2023



Jason’s Channel:


  1. Happy New Year to you mate, what a year ! Some stunning images and what a finish to the year really enjoyed that video and the resulting images were just stunning. Look forward to seeing more from you in 2023 especially the Lofoten Trip, sounds great. All the best take care.

  2. Happy New Year bud! Great review of the year and if you're hoping to get better images on your trip to Harris in the next few weeks then we'll be in for some fantastic shots because those first two are cracking, especially the first one. Thanks for the newsletters; they're great, and I look forward to the e-book. If your videos and images are as good (or better) as 2022's then we'll be in for a tremendous year. Thanks again. Oh, and by the way – more newsletters!😂

  3. Happy New Year, Stu. Enjoy Lofoten! I hope we all can experience some wonderful conditions this coming year, as after last year, I really need to get back into my photography as and when I can.

  4. Happy New Year Stuart, A great bag of images , Always look forward to your videos and enjoy the newsletter, I hope to get up to Keswick January or February, in my Campervan , so saving up for the fuel as it mounts up coming from Southampton. but i will pop in for a chat which i’ve done before . Keep up the good work Cheers Rob

  5. If you had said this was a lifetimes work, you could have been incredibly proud, to get all this in a year is nothing short of staggering !
    Every shot a dream image Stuart and you’ve been one of my absolute favourite channels to watch, always quality over quantity!
    Wishing you a fantastic 2023 and all the success with the e book !
    Happy new year My friend 🎉

  6. I would have any of those on my wall, might need to have a visit to the studio. Or pull my finger out and get on a course.

  7. Very good mate, some cracking images there. Looking forward to seeing you again for some more photography in 2023

  8. Happy New Year, Stuart, and congratulations on capturing so many stunning images in 2022. Wishing you a successful 2023, and I look forward to seeing what you capture, both near and far.

  9. You're quite an understated guy, but that set of images for 2022 are stunners, Stuart. You must be very proud and rightly so. HNY and thank you 👍

  10. It’s a difficult balancing act running the gallery and having to go out and shoot. I bet when you look out of your window and see great conditions it can be really frustrating.

  11. All the best to you and yours Stuart and may 2023 be kind to you. That shot with the frosted beech, a real cracker. Glad to hear you mention about the leader taking photos when running a workshop, I agree it's in bad taste and poor practice.

  12. Happy New Stuart. Lovely images as always, can’t wait to see what you capture in 2023 🥂

  13. Any photographer would be very proud to call that collection of photos you showed their own. A very nice year's work!

  14. Happy New Year Stuart, fantastic images and congrats on your award, love that photo. Looking forward to more this year.

  15. All the best for the new year and congrats on the amazing work you produced this past year!
    Lofoten is incredible. There were times when I just pulled the car over just in awe of the place.

  16. WOW, what a year in photography you have had Stuart. fantastic results throughout the year, but i think during the cold spell in the UK you certainly produced some once i a lifetime compositions. All the best for 2023 mate.

  17. Really enjoyed that walk through the year Stuart with some superb photography. Sounds like you have a busy year ahead, hope all goes as planned. Stay healthy and all the best for 2023

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