Gardening Supplies

The Decision You Must Make…

2023 is already looking to be a year filled with multiple challenges. It will undoubtedly require a new level of preparedness that will require you to make a decision. Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: – start your preparedness journey:

5 ways to prepare for 2023:
How to prepare for a recession:
1 Year food supply:

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#shtf #prepper #teotwawki


  1. The most important thing is our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. Non believers and weak Christians will willingly follow the antichrist. This is all Biblical 100 percent.

  2. Well I really appreciate the amount of thought you put into your videos I would also truly appreciate it if you could get to the point. Right now five minutes in and you still haven’t really said anything.

  3. Fear and worry can and do inspire.. We'll be fine in the long run,, Buckle down and PREP on,, even it's a little at a time

  4. ALDL"S BEST prices on CANNED goods.. 83cents for potatoes,, 53cents for mixed veggies. COSTCO 25 lb of RICE STILL UNDER $13 bucks,,, GO GET ya some..

  5. I wish I had more time. I was off the last week, and all was spent traveling, baking, etc. Now I'm right back to work..
    Godspeed, folks!! 🙏🏻💪🙏🏻

  6. This channel has pleasantly surprised me over the past couple of years… When I first came to this channel I thought to myself, “it seems like a decent channel but they're very very very close to the main stream narrative and I don't know how I feel about that…”… But, I continued to watch and listen, and I have watched you deal with the decision that YouTube inevitably leaves it's creators with, of whether to be real, and face censorship or worse, or to keep things rose-colored for YouTube, and avoid reality in exchange for more viewers….. I must say you tackled this problem head on, and in my personal opinion you've done a smashing job. I really like this channel… I really like you as a creator… And I see good things in the future for both you and your viewers. Keep up the good work. And keep it honest. That's my favorite thing about you. Thank you for all you do.

    -a fellow creator

  7. Thanks for no longer sugar coating the cannibals in the room as intelligent people know it is disingenuous. I will continue to subscribe in hopes your new platform improves as you conveyed.

  8. Everyone covers the typical things like food and water to stock up on. I personally am trying to think of those things that I take for granted and need to stock up on or prepare to have a back up. Would love to see a list of these kinds of things.

  9. It's no surprise that on a prepper pod cast the majority are going to think things will get worse after all that is their mind set

  10. Thank you for your videos and the time you and your team put in to them.

    I sence that you maybe a Christian, so if I'm correct.
    Then WHY not from time to time acknowledge God/Jesus and your faith, belief, and trust in The Savior Christ Jesus. WHY not, if your a disciple of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Give the people on your channel Holy Bible scripture verses to either backup what your saying and or encourage people.

    Christ Jesus is our true hope and protection!

    🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏼 for the year 2023 and the future of our nation.

  11. I have assembled a symbol like the song of a cymbal called clashing of sound
    Similar to the song Psalms 29
    This being of thunderous voice
    It's over the waters.
    Psalms 29:03 🌊

    1 Corinthians 13:1

    “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

    👇 👇

    Mind owned thoughts like mine own word made manifest the flesh.

    Thought chooses word
    That's from a name already named
    Even before the thought called it out.

    It was named like our tongue this hour 👇 ⏳
    An English American chooses word like babel?
    Might I babble on and on about Babylon?
    What made confusion also mysterious
    Is this written like a mystery named Babylon? 💃 👑

    I choose word like dark quotes written from a Raven.
    Genesis 08:07
    Nevermore than a Dove? 🕊️
    Genesis 08:08

    Noah sent out two birds over the waters gathering the flood.
    Did the Math at Matthew 10:29 choosing word like two birds being worth one cent.

    The one sent did finish this sentence written.
    That's within the book found defiled
    There within defilement and defile meant Earth.
    It's dryland called Earth and Earth is where waters gathered.
    👇 Genesis 01:02 chooses word like an act naming the Earth.
    Formless and Void
    Did I avoid proper translation?
    In terms Genesis 01:02 🤔😈

    The water is where no dryland was found
    These waters art nations and tongues.
    The dryland where water surrounded it and thereby division.
    It is the vision written at Genesis 01:06 😭😭🙏
    This because Genesis 01:09 declared Genesis 10:05 Earth being dust?
    Dust was given breath like the spirit was given to it in Genesis 02:07
    Dust like Genesis 03:19 because dust returns dust
    Ecclesiastes 12:07 elaborated dust returns dust and spirit returns spirit
    These waters art called and the Lord dominates them like the song
    That's of Psalms 29:03 👈😭😭🙏

    The dryland is a nation of nations crying out

    O Yisrael

    Our Father and of the hour
    He was deceived and deceived is his child! Jeremiah 16:19
    In sorrow her child is born like Genesis 03:16? 🤔

    John 08:44 😈
    The Serpent eats dust like the loser in the race of races?
    ⛎ 🐍
    Yep the Serpent bites the dust all the days and of the daze called
    Genesis 03:14 👈
    It's the Lords curse over the Serpent ⛎🐍

    Similar Adam being the ground produces thorns, bristles, brambles and thickets?

    I would be lion if I said lions don't hunt in the woods 🦁♌
    Sneaky when I'm hungry.

    I wood be lion if monkey see monkey do hadn't shown Simba the way like Rafiki?

    Simba isn't lyin when he saw his face lion like his Father?
    He saw it where two is amidst reflection 🪞
    That's of the water like the Spirit in Genesis 01:02
    It was nighttime during Mufassas return above in the cloud?

    Pray since you have the sense of being a prey
    So you prey. 🙏 🦁

    Oh the English!!
    It's so tricky 😈👇 🌍

    This knowledge of death rhyming life like the breath called spirit in Genesis 02:07?
    However dust is what those broods of Vipers see!
    They see with infrared and read like the blood served up? 🍷
    It isn't the fire like Matthew 03:07 or Luke 03:07

    These two accused the scribes as described.
    Ye brood of vipers
    Who else told you besides Hebrew 12:29 and deutoronomy 04:24
    The Lord is an infinite hungry fire and it's also jealous.

    This because two give the fire and the Lord works amidst it.
    The Lord is like a bush between two witnesses.
    It isn't consumed like EXODUS 03:02 🙏 🔥

    Oh I could go forever about the stories written like a testimony any man had given.
    Yet any man is a man of your choice?
    The same applied the woman

    Oh I can go on and on about the woman or ladies like Jacob had two wives
    Didn't he? 😌

    Where does Adam belong in the emnity between both beauty and beast?

    Adam was given breath and power of name.
    Is this written like the woman hadn't received power without husband named Adam?
    First Timothy 02:14 🤔
    Did you give ear and to hear the woman that is here without husband.
    🤫 🐍💃
    If found in the church of Matthew 18:20

    God named Adam and Adam named Eve the woman also wife.
    Because she was divorced and remarried back in Genesis 02:24?

    Nope because no shame until Genesis 03 and 03:11 declared knowledge.

    Who told you after Genesis 02:25
    Nakedness like shame?
    Did you eat from that tree called knowledge!?
    I warned you. Didn't I?

  12. Do you have any videos about what gun to purchase for self defense?

  13. Happy New Year! Rockland county NY and surrounding area totally out of children’s tylenol, motrin. I have a friend 2 young children ran through what he had, tied buying more, none in CVS, Walgreens, Costco. I have him covered, I consider him part of our community. Prioritize your preps, and depending on your budget buy accordingly.

  14. The best part of prepping is the feeling that a disaster for some will be an inconvenience or me and my family.
    Live in Florida for over 40 years, and "being prepared" gets into your DNA.
    Your videos are great. Keep up the good work in 2023!

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