Backyard Garden

October Garden Tour – (ru)Grew – Backyard Garden – Christchurch – New Zealand

October is here! I can’t believe how fast these last few months have gone. September turned out to be a very wet month, so there wasn’t as much progress as we would have hoped, but all in all, the garden is growing and projects are ticking along!

I am a full time Primary School Teacher and a fun-time gardener. Join me (and my Husband) as I learn my way through gardening in Christchurch, New Zealand.

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Thanks for watching!



  1. Yes all looking lush and healthy.Chooks too!
    Here's an olde fashioned name list:
    Gloria, Gladys, Gertrude, Genevieve and Georgie.

  2. This is so exciting.!! Spring is my favorite season. Your garden looks amazing. Try some chicken wire to protect your sugar snap peas. My garden is almost done and I need to prepare my garlic bed for next year.
    Thank you so much!!

  3. Your video has made me even more grateful for my perfect growing conditions – we almost never get frosts and never get ice (plus our soil is AMAZING, I have all the space I need, I have a greenhouse, the only pests I have to deal with are weeds and sometimes birds. I'm super spoilt – I really have no excuses!)
    We had 6 chickens, their names were Isabel (we called her Izzy), Marble, Doris, Tulip, Rosie, and Kiki. If we ever got chickens again I'd call one Florence and on Sophie, and possibly a Mable 🙂
    BTW, I just had the best idea – but will pm you on Facebook.

  4. Hi I see you had a clock of some thing like that on of the macrocarper raised gardens just wounded what it was off just found videos love them do you let people come to see your garden

  5. Good Day ..I am in Christchurch , I have a few plants(4 weeks old) of Okra and bottle gourd . Need your advice,what would be the right time to plant it outside as we have seen a couple of frosty nights this week.

  6. Beautiful garden! I am a beginner in gardening. I noticed you planted garlic next beetroot, is there a specific reason for that? thank you

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