Garden Design

Do this Before You Begin a Garden Design | Where to start a garden design

Do this Before You Begin a Garden Design | Where to start a garden design?

Diving into designing your own garden whether for flowers or vegetables can be overwhelming. So where do you start a garden design? Before you pick out any garden design styles or start picking where to put things go through this 3 step exercise so that you can achieve the purpose your garden is meant to have. A great design is so much more than aesthetics, so before you begin your garden design make sure to stop and do this first!


  1. Interesting thoughtful video. Loved the calm, relaxed feel. Steps 1 & 3 are how I approach everything – but while I do have a few comprehensive, themed visions for my life, I've never had one-word vision themes for specific areas and activities that change from year to year. It's an intriguing idea I might just need to try! Thanks for sharing, Christine. 😊

  2. If you want to create more engaging content try and add in some B roll to break up your video a little.
    Add more text around key points.
    As you switch from one key point to another move your camera and try film from different angles
    If you can't move the camera, I would break up each paragraph with bullet points and take a breath and let your viewers read a little

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