Gardening Trends

Plants I Will NEVER Buy Again 🌿 Why I Wouldn't Own These 10 Houseplants Again

Plants I will never buy again – why I wouldn’t own these 10 houseplants again – I wouldn’t own these plants again – house plant regret – worst houseplants in my opinion – plants I would not buy again


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In this video I take you through the 10 houseplants I wouldn’t buy again and why! All of these plants are my own opinions and based on my own experiences, so please don’t let me influence your decisions – all plants are unique and beautiful, they’re just not always right for everyone! LET ME KNOW what your plants that you wouldn’t own again would be down in the comments below!





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  1. No more Syngoniums for me. They look beautiful for a while and then they decline. I’m done! 😂
    Nice video! 👏🏼

  2. That first plant, The fern, I had one of those and in my experience is that it turned like yours because I had forgotten to water it. I think it requires more frequent watering. If you are familiar with maidenhair ferns, it's basically the same issue and being away a couple of days is enough to throw a monkey wrench in it. Personally I have never met a plant I disliked, but having said that, if its care is involved or complicated I prefer not take on that responsibility since these are living things they deserve the correct care someone else can provide when I am not able to give it. You actually, do have nice plants! And as for orchids, those are my jam with a preference for species rather than hybrids. I would never turn away an orchid of any kind away. Love them. As for that last plant. just get rid of the mites. The plant has what looks like healthy new growth; it doesn't look that bad. I really dislike spider mites, they are weird. Where in the world did they come from if the plant has been indoors the whole time?!?! It left me scratching my head the first time that happened to one of my plants.

  3. Caladiums are wonderful as outside annuals but honestly quite crappy as a house plant. They get leggy they get spider mites. If you have room on your patio please give them another try they're great outside during the warmer months.

  4. Plants I have blacklisted : syngoniums, calathea, peru, aglaonema, pilea, diffenbachia, tradescantia. I'll just enjoy them from a distance.

  5. I agree I’ve been there with the same plants, if a plant is so fussy for me then I have a life and can’t be doing with it lol

  6. Oh crotons yes…I love colourful plants but they're a bit much even for me, and the drama! I'm also a bit over alocasias, beautiful plants but to me not beautiful enough to put the effort into their dramatics. I love my black velvet and maybe a few others but the longiloba…omg…gah!!!

  7. I agree about caladiums! I often see one and think “wow” and then like a minute later I’m like “meh”…I think some of them look a bit tacky 😬

  8. I used to have a Pretty Turtle, and I truly loved it, but didn't have the right environment for it to live, the whole streptocarpus family are wonderful, just hard to keep alive (for me). Well done that you kept it alive and you mum enjoys it, glad you could pass it along.

  9. I just got Orchids last year and didn't like them until I got it to reboom this year.

  10. Thanks for being so real. For me, it’s the spider plant. To me, it’s just funky grass that hates me anyway haha. I understand not liking delicate looking leaves. I describe them as papery leaves, like some begonias.
    That being said, I adore my coleus!!! If you want to try a plant that hits the greenery and color mark, coleus is your friend. They need high light and you can grow them in water culture.
    Sometimes having colored plants is about plant-styling rather than fitting into the plant collection as a whole.
    I’ve never owned a fern, never saw the appeal of having them inside. But I’m really happy other people so, because I’ve learned about so many different types of ferns!
    If you want to try a different kind of orchid, try a bulbophyllum.
    I have a nanouk. I love it, but they don’t age very well.

  11. Pteris are a fern that just doesn't like life in my experience. I've tried it a few times, researched tips and tricks, different substrates, humidity, ventalation, lighting, other ferns are fine here anddddd… 🪦🪦🪦 RIP little friends! I have to say all the other plants on your list are also on mine aside from the orchids. 🙂 I do have a few of them sprinkled up along the curtain rods, along with my long strappy anthurium which makes them more jungle-wall like and less doctors/office look in the typical pot type set ups.

    My only other 'never again' plant not on your list is my Calathea warscewiczii. It was a wishlist plant for ages and it breaks my heart but nothing I do stops it from attracting every single pest on the planet. Spidermites, scale, mealybugs, all of the above at the same time? I have no issues with any other type of calathea I have and I have a dozen different types. None of the other 80 plants in the room have issues. That one? 😭

  12. Claire, I’m definitely on the same page with you regarding staying away from adding colorful plants and l my collection. I love the natural patterns and diverse variations of green plants. I like the jungle vibe, and uniqueness of leaf structure. Insofar as what I’m avoiding, moving forward it will be ANYthing that attracts thrips and other pests. I’m staying away from plants that are difficult to keep alive – it’s like throwing money down the drain when I could’ve invested in a plant with staying power!😅 If I’m calling out specific varieties, no more syngoniums, they bore me nowadays despite the variations. Also avoiding Verucossum type plants, and anything with thin leaves (almost always temperamental with light and water requirements). I’m also pretty much committed to WAITING it out for a few months to see if I really want to add a specific plant to my collection, and allowing the price to decrease – it ALWAYS does plant people!

  13. I have a croton that was gifted to me. I have never 'loved' it. I did move it to a different pot recently and like it better but I don't have a lot of light in my home and it is taking up prime real estate. I feel like I have permission to not keep it now. Thank you!

  14. My Scindapdus moonlight lost a bunch of leaves and is slowly coming back, but it might get to live at someone else’s house.

  15. I absolutelz needed this video, I have an orchid collection that I've kind of fallen out of love with… As much as I care for them, they just don't give me the reward I'm looking for anymore…It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way, and it made me feel so much better that I'm not a horrible plant grower for not liking them anymore

  16. Yes I understand your aversion to colorful plants. I’m the same way. To me green defines houseplants and color represents outdoor flower gardens. Donna

  17. Great video. I am done probably forever with pepperomia, dieffenbachia, and you're making me think about the amount of time/effort I've spent on my Moonlight Trebuii- she's just not performing! But I still love her. What is the planked plant behind you by the door to the right of you?? It is STUNNING!!

  18. Hey Claire, I'm so glad you have posted this video! I was starting to feel serious guilt about disliking some of my plants 🪴 for me it is the tradescantia's (all versions of) I'm sick of them turning brown and crispy so I take cuttings and re-grow them and just repeat the cycle 🤦‍♀️ I also cannot for the life of me keep any "strings" of things alive or aloe Vera…. I do love my Croton though, even if she is the biggest drama queen in my collection

  19. Love your videos. And yes, I agree with the colorful and flowering plants. Calathea are a thorn in my side. I don’t know why I keep trying. But yes, not again for me.
    Keep making more videos!❤

  20. Many thanks for this video. Very interesting and good food for thought. We evolve and we change or tweak our personal taste as we move forward in our plant journey. Moving forward for the most part is considered progress. There are many plants I admire in someone else’s home, however, I know those plants are not right for me. 😊 We’ve all had plants that no longer bring us joy and that’s okay. Re-home the plants that are not working out and it will give you more time and energy for other plants in your collection. 😊

  21. Oh! I didn't know syngonium can climb on pole! I have syngonium but it doesn't have any aerial roots. Regarding that first fern, I have it an it sits on the windowsill in bathroom, which gets direct sun rays till noon and it grows like crazy. But the other fern I have (maidenhair) half died in that spot. I placed it on the shelf just behind window, cut dead stems and I see new growth. But its so slow..
    I would never buy again Alocasia Polly. Ohh I hate it 🤣 I always have only 1 leaf at a time. New leaf will unfurl, old dies and I have a freaking cycle 🤣

  22. I don’t know why but I hate all Caladiums. I wish I liked them but I really really don’t 😅

  23. Certain calatheas, like the Zebrina are just too fussy. Shame because it is sooooooooo beautiful.

  24. I adore Maiden Hair ferns but I have always struggled with this plant! So no more (sad face)

  25. Calatheas. I had a jungle velvet, beautiful maroon and green coloring, but sadly it got spider mites. Maybe one day I'll try again and check the plant carefully before buying.

  26. Oh mine is the Queen Anthurium! No matter what I do with humidity and lighting, I just can't make the ol' girl happy. But oh how I love her!!

  27. Dont feel bad about the croton, the only time I've kept one alive was when it was outside in Australia's intense sunshine. Keeping one indoors is hard.

  28. Hi Claire! I think our tastes change over the years. I was crazy about hoyas and syngoniums and have a few still but don't want any more. Now I'm drawn to succulents and cacti. If you'd told me five years ago that I would be collecting cacti I'd say oh no, no, no!

  29. In 2000, I went on a plant-buying frenzy and all the plants but two died. I'm getting back into houseplants now and I hope that the plants don't die on me this time. I grew up in a house with lots of plants. I don't think I'll ever buy a rabbit foot fern again, That one died on me immediately. Broke my heart.

  30. I completely agree with you about colorful plants. I enjoy green and silvery plants. My collection is mostly scindapsus and aglaonema. My 💔 when you said trebuii moonlight is on your list of plants you’re no longer interested in. It’s one of my favs!

  31. That fern has a mind of its own. I found it got crunchy and died no matter how much TLC I gave it…..🌱🤢

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