
Better Shooter, Husband, Father, American (tips from Joe Rogan & Jordan Peterson)

Poor in America was a blessing for me. Becoming a better man, and a better person starts with things entirely within our control. My greatest privilege in life was to be raised in the ’60s, dirt poor, on welfare, 6 kids, by a single parent with a dependency problem. None of us thought we’d amount to anything early in life. I believe God was winking as we took personal responsibility, were grateful for our meager beginnings, and worked ourselves to the bone to climb out of poverty. It wasn’t until one of my older brothers went to college that I started to believe that maybe I could go too. Five of us graduated from college with pell grants and loans that we paid for on our own.

Most successful people I know did not have an easy childhood. Things are so different today, that I can hardly recognize America I grew up with. I’m praying 2023 will bring morals and principles back to American media and politics; if not, something else unifies America.

This video covers seemingly unrelated topics of shooting excellence, comparing the 60’s & 70’s to 2020 and 5 Laws to help save America from itself.

00:00 Introduction
00:51 Best Shooting Skills
01:47 Privilege of Being Poor
02:39 1960 to 2020
03:25 Sitcoms (we laughed at all races!)
03:59 Law 1 – It is up to me
04:57 Law 2 – Extraordinary at the Ordinary
05:29 Law 3 – I am a Hard Worker
06:00 Law 4 – Life Long Student
06:16 Law 5 – I Am Grateful
07:18 Something Bigger

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