Garden Plans

How to Raise a Year's Worth of Beef – Our 2023 Homestead Plans

We are raising a year’s worth of beef on our homestead, plus have some big plans to transform our farm into an agritourism site and our hidden house into a business! ** **

We are a family of 6 STARTING OVER! We recently sold our little farm in the city on 1 acre in Arizona and moved across the country to an 8 1/2 acre property in a small town in South Carolina. Our new gorgeous property allows us more space to homestead full-time using regenerative agriculture practices and forest farming to create freedom from harmful chemicals in our food.

We invite you to come along on our journey as we start our new homestead from scratch with BIG goals of becoming more self-sufficient. We are still new to this, so there’s going to be a LOT of hard work ahead, but it will all be so worth it once we are growing our own food and raising animals, each one for a specific purpose.

We’d love to connect with you here on our family vlog and our other links below. If you’ll pretty please subscribe to our family YouTube channel and leave us a comment on any of our videos saying hi and introducing yourself to us, we’d REALLY appreciate it!


#homesteading #southcarolina #selfsufficiency #sustainability #forestfarm #regenerativeagriculture #freedom #freedomforestfarm #farm

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