Japanese Garden

Japanese Gardening Pros Prune their Maples Like This…

When Japanese Gardening Pros prune their maple trees they take a radically different approach to most Western gardeners.

This approach is the reason why traditional Japanese maples look wildly different from those you see in most gardens in the UK, Europe, or America.

And it’s this approach that creates the beautiful layered effect you might be familiar with. If you’ve ever wanted to re-create this style in your garden, I want to make it easy for you.

In this video I’ll show you:

– The exact tools most Pro Japanese Gardeners use to prune their maples. One of them is a WD-40
– What NEVER to do in January and February to your Japanese maple tree (you might kill your maple)
– The crucial areas you must prune to create an authentic-looking Japanese maple

Check out my video now!
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If you like what I shared in this video, I have something else I think you’ll love. It’s my FREE guide called “6 Simple Steps to Pruning a Japanese Maple Tree”.

You can grab your copy here: https://bit.ly/3Vs3ony

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