Container Gardening

Drip Irrigation System Installation – DIY Self Watering Container Garden

In today’s video I show you how to set up a drip irrigation system to reduce the workload of manually watering a busy container garden – when you are using every available inch to grow food, watering by hand can take ages! The kit cost me £13.95 from eBay – and was much cheaper because it did not include any form of automated timer system – so I will need to switch the tap on and off manually still when I want to water my plants.


  1. This is going to sound really weird but do you have a horse or one called daxi? Shes a exracer turned polo pony And do you do the commentary on reandacments? I swear I know you but I could never put my finger on it

  2. Wow you are a lady of many talents. Ready for next year now I guess. Well done. Is the thumbnail accurate… spelling of irrigation? ❣️❣️👍😀😀

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