Container Gardening

2022 Prepper “CONTAINER” Garden Tour! ~ Prepping For Mega Food Shortages ~ Plant Or Die!

Welcome! In today’s video, we share with you an updated 2022 CONTAINER GARDEN TOUR! We have SERIOUSLY been ENJOYING the garden this year! It’s so much fun to be able to move things around and add more every day! I encourage you if your a busy Mom, Grandma, Auntie, or even a school teacher….you could get hours of enjoyment out of starting a SIMPLE EASY TOTE GARDEN! We have used kiddie pools and 18 gallon storage TOTES to create this amazing space to grow! I hope that this video is a blessing and ENCOURAGEMENT to you! We would love it if you would subscribe to our channel and become a part of our YOUTUBE FAMILY! Remember to LOVE YOUR PEOPLE, DO ALL THE THINGS, AND REJOICE IN THE LORD JESUS!
Gen. 3:23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

MioMat 8in1 Plant-based Milk Maker: Soy Milk, Almond milk, Oat Milk, Rice Milk, Cashew Milk, + Soups & Porridges

SUNGLIFE Food Dehydrator:

Check out our family’s farmshop:

Please Go Check Out Chick Lifts:

Sample Page

Let them know the Texas Boys sent you!


All of our coffees are roasted here locally in the great state of Texas!~Matt

The Soap Shop:

The Candle Shop:



How To Become a “Native”:

ALL Natives be sure to check out the new updates to the “Native Area”

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  1. Question for y'all….who do you all recommend to follow on YouTube for prepping/homesteading type content?… besides you guys of course. 😆

  2. Worn out, dispirited, cold and hungry and low on gas (which I paid for at $4.39 per gallon mind you!!) after visiting every grocery store within a 25 mile radius of my home, only to find mostly empty shelves and other hungry people wandering aimlessly through the aisles. in search of just something to take home to their pantries to feed their families and their family dogs, the check-out cashiers standing idly at the end of their check-out stands, some of them with their eyes closed, probably wising they were somewhere else, I abandoned my search. Hand trembling on the steering wheel, watching the last shopping center I visited fading in the rearview mirror, somehow miraculously an open McDonalds' appeared before me – with at least a dozen vehicles in the drive-thru., with the parking lot virtually empty. I pulled into a parking space right near the side entrance – walked right in, stepped right up and placed my order (no line, no waiting) for a double quarter pounder with cheese,, large fries, a large chocolate milkshake and a baked apple pie. Lo and Behold – the milkshake machine was working!! Seven minutes after entering through that door, I'm comfortably seated back in my vehicle, with the engine off and radio playin' chowing down on some good old Mickey Dees.' By then the drive-thru line had grown to two dozen vehicles, like some hungry twisted cobra in search of prey. Finished my meal, threw the trash in the custom made sustainable vehicular recycling bin I carry in my car. Feeling well fed and happy, and headed for home. Fifteen minutes later, I pulled into my driveway and couldn't believe what i saw! Cardboard boxes full of food from both Blue Apron and Hello Fresh! had been delivered to my doorstep. I opened the front door and was greeted by Babushka, my Siberian Husky who jumped up and licked me in the face – 'cause no doubt that loveable hound smelled protein on my breath…. How ironic, I thought to myself – Here we are in the midst of worldwide food shortages and those Golden Arches are still glowin'' and I can get food delivered to my doorstep – usually less than two hours after I order it with any of the dozen or so food delivery apps I have on my smartphone. Apparently the Blue Apron and Hello Fresh apps somehow detected I was hungry and went ahead and placed the order without me knowing it. . What a world we live in!! . Sat down, turned on the TV for some entertainment and whaddya know…the first thing that came on was a commercial for Applebee's, followed by one for Olive Garden (where everybody's family). Next i was told that pork belly sandwiches are two for one at Arby's. Finally, before things got returned to the actual program content, there were commercials for various probiotic products and weight loss programs, and prescription drugs for resisting emotional eating and lowering one's A-1C.. "How very ironic it all is," I thought to myself and drifted off to sleep for awhile.

  3. This is interesting! I’m curious why you would plant everything in kiddie pools instead of in the ground? I’m in zone 3 here so I don’t deal with the level of heat that you do 😀

  4. Tennessee? There's time to get those seeds in the ground. Where's your barley? It packs nutrition, calories, etc. Mix some into that can of beef & broth. Add some mixed veggies, which can be dehydrated from frozen for shelf life. Cube a potato or two and add those. Stir in a little tomato paste, or tomato sauce, season to taste, and let it simmer. It makes a hearty soup for several people. The last Great Depression lasted 10 years. So you might want to re-think sewing those seeds.

  5. Asparagus can grow roots up to 14 feet deep, so you may want to find a permanent home for them away from plumbing pipes and the septic tank. Also, they can produce around 25 years, or so I've heard. Enjoy!

  6. This is my first time watching this channel and I am already impressed with this site and will subscribed as of NOW! Living Traditions is an Awesome channel to learn from also. I've learned a whole lot from then and I live in zone 8 in central Ms.

  7. Do you end up transplanting them into the ground or do they stay in the containers all year?…if they stay in containers, do any (especially the herbs), grow back the next year?

  8. This is great information! We've been trying to get out garden going but limited space in Fort Worth, one day will afford some land we're thinking 20 acres if we can find it. I'd love to learn to work a garden with the love of my life, she's got a good green thumb. we want to get some cattle and learn to have a small ranch, homestead, chickens. Not quite sure where to start, would you have any suggestions?

    Hard to be optimistic with the way the world is, but we pray every day to keep working towards our dreams and building the home for our children.

    thank you!

  9. Hi, have enjoyed watching you the last couple days! Wondering if you could please link your Electric pressure canners?

  10. How big is you garden space?? Iam plannkng a 80 by 100 on mh land up north. With a road inthemiddle so illhave 2 40×80 grow area. One for vegtables. The otherforfruittrees and berries and grapes.

  11. Very nice looking garden! I live in the opposite end of Texas from you. I live in the Texas Panhandle near Oklahoma, just below the Oklahoma Panhandle and next to New Mexico. We had frost 2 nights ago. I agree we need to be planting all we can this year and putting up as much food as we can. I too am using every little space I can. I live in town and am even using parts of my front yard. I also have 3 chickens, it is what's allowed in town. Looking forward to following the progress of your garden. I have always "prepped" My parents did and so did my grandparents and my aunt. I knew nothing different. I started gardening at age 6 and have had my own garden every year since. I was always given my own garden area and if I ran into trouble I could ask for advice otherwise I was on my own to learn. They taught me well. I am able to feed my self and was able to feed my children when they were growing up even with a full time job as a Registered Nurse. Crazy thing is none of my children garden and my sister never learned either.

  12. Don't cut your sweet potato slips. Pull all the leaves off except a few at the end of the stem and plant the whole slip sideways in the ground. If you pull it from the potato instead of cutting it, it will already have roots on it and you won't have to root it in water for a couple weeks, saves you a couple weeks worth of growth and planting the slip sideways will grow more potatoes.

  13. I just found your channel. Great info. Thank you. I’m 65 and want to start container gardening. I live south of Dallas/Fort Worth. Is it too late to start planting in containers? I was hoping to plant tomatoes, potatoes, onions and lettuce? Any suggestions would be welcome.

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