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LIVING OFF GRID. Random Scenes from Our Homesteading Life. Vlog# 141

This is our 6th winter, living in an off grid cabin in the New Hampshire woods and here’s a few random scenes from our life out here.

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On my channel you will find videos pertaining to homesteading, gardening and living off the grid with fun DIY projects for self-reliance and SHTF emergency preparedness situations, with some campfire cooking and good old backwoods humor thrown in. Sharing knowledge and stories from over 30 years of living in the woods.

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  1. Yes….and my symptoms coincide with the jets spraying. Pacific Northwest Coast. Yes its me….

  2. I have allergies but most I can avoid. My lifelong ones are lactose, nickel, copper, synthetic fragrances, some adhesives, and cats. Recent allergies are to polyester, nylon, and rayon. My nose drips when I cry, am sleepy, or have eaten spicy food. I only cough when my throat is dry.

  3. I'm in Ireland same here. I could follow my daughter by the trail of tissues, constantly blowing her nose. We both seem to get a cold and cough which clears up then comes back. I ended up in a&e last year after a chest infection. I coughed so bad thought I cracked a rib. Also had blood in my urine. Hospital were useless so my sister paid for me to have a private scan. Thankfully all organs are fine though I do have gallstones. A year on and daughter and I still coughing and sneezing constantly. Most people I know are the same.

  4. My nose constantly runs clear liquid and I have the eye goop in the mornings. I'm in South Carolina, up towards the mountains.

  5. No increased allergy at all for me here in The Netherlands. Used to have hayfever as a kid (at least that's what it was called) but things have steadily become better as I grow older. The amount of small particle (dust) from cars etc. has increased many times over, so the air certainly hasn't become any healthier, but nothing like you mentioned: no 'post nasal drip', coughs or allergies. People have been down with c*vid the past two years obviously, but not what you're experiencing out there in the woods on the mountains (Netherlands is mostly below sealevel btw).

  6. My wife and I recently moved to Northern lower part of Michigan and as we have gotten older we have had more problems with allergies, we have discovered that picking mullen and drying it and making a tincture has helped us with this issue.

  7. Just go see what the nice folks from the world economic forum have to say about you and me.. tells me all I need to know. The problem is getting anyone to wake up and smell the coffee, or have the balls to do something about it.

  8. I usually suffer badly with allergies in the winter. In the Texas hill country we have Mt. Cedar that spews it's pollen that time of year. I used to take allergy medicine daily from December to March. Since the pandemic, I have been taking VitD3, zinc, elderberry, vit C, and quercitin to boost my immune system. I no longer take the allergy pills and only have minimal symptoms even when the pollen levels are off the chart.

  9. Good morning JC. I was wondering about the stove in your green house VS the Kitchen Queen. I know you and Lori are all set with your kitchen wood stove. You mentioned that you went out to stoke the green house stove at night. Would a coal/wood burning stove resolve that issue? I hesitate to burn coal in our house stoves because of my asthma, but in the green house, may be a good alternative to tending that stove constantly. I would love a green house similar to yours someday. Meanwhile… we enjoy our little plastic 🍙 igloo🌱🌱 ~ Diane

  10. You know when you were talking about sinus conditions I hate to say this,ever since I've got my covic vaccination I have congestion nasal drip and it comes and goes puzzling I think. I feel like Mr guinea pig by the way I love your blogs your content keep up the good work

  11. I don’t have allergy issues here in South Texas. I have had the first three covid shots and I’m going to be 67 this month. I’m thinking I will get another covid shot today with the stuff that’s going around and my husband is a teacher and I’m worried he will bring something home. I will let you know if anything develops after this shot. I hope not.

  12. Good morning y’all ! Greetings from Maine ! Talking about (Post nasal drip ) ? I have had the Wuhan flu three times since it the virus hit the world ! I chose to get jabbed all three time sick like hell ! Had two hernias fixed right after Thanksgiving while recovering I had the pleasure to get influenza ! Nothing worse than coughing while you have 37 abdominal staples ! My point here is before the Wuhan flu I was fit as a ox team tugging feller trees all day ! Yes I do blame the cdc and their horse crap vaccinations! Happy bNew Year ! May 2023 be blessed

  13. My wife and I live in Central Maine (between Lewiston and Augusta). The last few years we've had what we call "consistent low-grade allergies". Neither one of us had allergies when we were younger. We've discovered that a single morning dose of Loratadine (available over-the-counter) helps immensely.

  14. Writing from Toronto , Canada . Never had allergies but had a mean flu bug before Xmas with a bad cough . Damn near killed me . Still feel a sore throat and dry cough .
    Btw used to roast 7 -8 lb pork butts for my gf's 4 dogs. No spices or salt. Needless to say they loved that meat treat .Now pork costs too much.Then went down to pork bellies . They loved that too.

  15. Western RI in the forest. PNDrip and on and off allergies for about 2 yrs. Never Jabbed.

  16. High desert northern Arizona. A few periods of allergy type stuff. I blamed it on juniper pollen blooms.

  17. For me no problems but people I work with have had symptoms of what you were talking about … Danville Virginia

  18. My son and I had RSV, bronchitis, Influenza A, and double ear infections from Thanksgiving all the way until Christmas. 27 days of continuous sickness. Still don't feel the best today. Never in my life been this sick before.

  19. Hi Boss and Mama . I'm from PUERTO Rico and yes I have had a runny nose cough and horse throat. This is funny I've been tested prior to a clinic procedure ( negaative) Well I say that our environment has been compromised. BLESSINGS FROM PUERTO RICO. BENDICIONES to the pup.🙏❤🎉

  20. Fingerlakes region of western NY here, we have a small homestead, both wife and I had covid in the fall of 21. (3 weeks of misery). No Doctors, just treated with all natural remedies. (we try and live as natural as possible normally). Have had the allergy type symptoms since about that time (neither one of us suffer from allergies). My sense of taste has only come back maybe 60%, wife is doing better in that regard. We also see the planes with the chem trails periodically. Neither one of us has had the jab (never will). There is so much going on in this country that is disconcerting, and it seems that far too many people are staying consciously ignorant. 65 years old and I never dreamed our country would reach such a point. God Bless and stay safe.

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