Gardening Trends

Yes I’m a maximalist

Sorry this video came up on the 31 and I had to delete do ti copyright 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

So here we go again ….
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Loves Mama Brooke


  1. you definitely do not have a crowded home! plants are such great decor and always make my mood better as well.

  2. Love all your plants! Want to try the banana skin water tip. Can't have some plants as I have cats. Some plants are poison to cats. Your house is beautiful! Unique like you!

  3. Love your home, plants, etc. You're a good mama to your plants! Thanks for the tip on banana water.

  4. I found you today and I like you. Thank you for you videos! Keep ‘em comin’ Mama! 😎🙌🏼💃🏼

  5. I never even thought to wash up, and tend to my plants they way you showed us, Brooke! I’ve got quite a few now, one 50 year old Christmas cactus, the size of a wash tub…given to me many years ago by a dear friend. This was excellent, I love your style my friend. ❤️😘❤️

  6. I'm a maximalist but not a hoarder.I lay out nicely not only plants but any beautiful interesting stuffs I love ,of course free cluster lol

  7. My mother passed away in April after I had lived with her almost 11 yrs in her home. I've had most of my things stored. Love my mom and I miss her, however, I'm ready to have my own stuff and my own style. I'd say it's "granny chick." I know my family are not going to like my maximalist style but I want to be surrounded by the things that make me happy. I've recently gone back to having houseplants and I love them. Seeing your room without any seemed blah! ( Although it was still beautiful). Plants just add life and color!

  8. I love your style!! I'm the same.. I need plants in my life.. interesting re: banana water.. is this like a fertilizer? I know nothing about plant care… I heard the snake tongue plants are hard to kill. Guess what? Yep.. I think I over watered it.. the leaves got loose .. sigh… I will try again. You aren't cluttered. Crazy people. I say, if people don't like what they see , why do they look?🤔 Why even comment if they don't have anything nice to say?!

  9. I find it refreshing to see your beautiful home with all of the interesting things to enjoy! So many of the homes I see on YouTube are kind of empty or minimal, so it's nice to see a home full of things you love!

  10. NO clutter at your place. Just a gorgeous home. PS: banana water for your plants? Never heard of it. Do you have a recipe? It’s banana Peel, right? Does the Perl need to be like super ripe? So how much Peel to water? ❤

  11. So everybody has their own style. I celebrate that! I'm a very creative person, and most of my friends are creatives, all of our homes are vibrantly sensory, curated and eclectic. I have one friend who gets antsy at my place so we go to hers. She's an attorney, a minimalist and has a housekeeper. Would have never made it as roomates!

  12. You do you!! Don't worry about what others think! Your home reflects you and that's how it should be. I love your home. It's tastefully done!

  13. I love your house and everything you have very organized, you should see mine I have clutter I think, but oh well I love my things also. Happy New Years doll

  14. I love all your plants 🌱 you give them love, they say that plants grow more when they are around music, love your pot in the window, don’t listen too rude people love❤️👑🙏

  15. I love your home!!! I love your plants,!!! I'm always so afraid to cut my plants, but yours look so healthy, so I may get my nerve up!😄. Now I want some more plants cause you said they help cut down the dust😀. I just luv ya lady bug!!! So glad I found your channel!!!💖👵

  16. Another reason I love you Brooke! I love all your treasures and plants! I want to live in your house…

  17. Maximalist? Huh! Those people watch so much HGTV their homes and their furnitures looks just like their neighbors and the other neighbor and that other neighbor. They think they have the standard? Oh yes they do have it. Well in fact they are just so very standard I will never get bored yawning 🥱. I am never ashamed of being a maximalist.

  18. It’s not easy to do cohesive display in every corner of the house. You are doing very well! I love your eye and imagination. When you said maximalist, you reminded me of the John Soane Museum in London. I think you would love it. The Woodfin paintings you have are beautiful. So effective with the solitary eye (the one between your chairs) I have a lot of stuff that sits unseen in cupboards. Your idea of refreshing your interior arrangements for each season is wonderful! Lovely to meet you through your videos too. Happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉

  19. # I LUV your Lovely Home : ) You have great taste in Home Decor & a great affection for your Plant 'pets'. I live with a Handsome, Blue, Male Parakeet; who is the BEST Pet ever!! He LUVS me and is entertaining with his playful antics. Parakeets are in the Parrot family and highly Intelligent Birds. Mine has free reign to fly throughout my Apartment. He loves to sit on my shoulder and burrow underneath of the back of my hair. He snuggles close to my neck and makes cute sounds like he's grinding his teeth (although Birds don't have teeth..DUH! lol) Perhaps it's like a cat that purrs to show happy contentment. He has a playground on one corner of my wrap-around kitchen counter. His name is Diletto (Delight in Italian). He loves to eat his seeds..and bits of banana, cucumber, sweet potato, and especially Baby Beet Greens; especially the red stems!! I LOVE plants too, but don't have near as many as you have. I LOVE all of your friendly Banter about your hobbies, interests, and decorating passions. # YOU have GOD-GIVEN Talents : ) May our CREATOR GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY IN THIS New Year 2023 It would be fun to be your neighbor/friend. : )

  20. I ABSOLUTELY love your home. In fact, once I saw your home tour I was hooked on your design style. Minimalist can be nice but often feels cold & sterile. It doesn't take much talent to spend a fortune & follow cookie cutter design trends. You have gorgeous style all of your own. The fact that you thrifted & created most of your decor & it flows beautifully together is amazing. Classic & elegant. Very impressed ❤️

  21. Hi from the U.S.! I am a new subscriber. I love watching your video's. I love you place, it's classy and beautiful! Who cares what those few and far between negative Nancy's have to say! I like your style, I like your personality and I wish you could come and work your magic on my place! Just love all you do, keep up the good work and God Bless you and your family!!

  22. Even if your house was cluttered it’s your house and your happy! I love your home! Please make more videos of you thrift shopping

  23. Omg…ppl have so much to say about other ppl's lives and can't get there own lives together just trashy! Your home is beautiful and your style is fantastic! Don't let the keyboard gangsters cause you a moment of delay in your life because there are so many ppl that inspired to emulate your style! How many bananas do you put in per gallon of water for your plants?

  24. I love your plants and home. I have discovered I love your style and I plan to go to the thrift store and get some bunnies and birds for my potted plants and balcony.

  25. Your home is beautiful. They probably like that cold tasteless modern look. I’m amazed at your energy level? You’ve motivated me to start cleaning and organizing.. Your so Beautiful inside and out.

  26. Brooke you do great with all your plants. Plants are a wonderful addition to a home. Love and blessings ❤️❤️

  27. I love your home!! It doesn't look cluttered at all!! I am jealous on how beautiful and green your plants look. I love plants!! I only wish I had my home as homey and beautiful as you!! 🙂 Blessings!!

  28. I definitely embrace maximilism! Although having a tiny home I'm always trying to declutter, but I love all my 'stuff', it's who I am! I think of your home as classically elegant, and your plants add to your lovely home! 💖

  29. Love your home , the plants make it home
    I have 22 plants in my home lol
    Who cares what people say
    There is always one or two that say hurtful things , why not sure
    Lol I worked with those girls to
    Lol I call them mean girls
    That old saying
    If you have nothing nice to say , keep your mouth shut lol
    We love you, all veidos are wonderful
    And again over 10 thousand, yay
    You work hard for us
    Thank you
    You got this ,

  30. No not cluttered……your house is beautiful and you are a wealth of information. Whe you look at plates, a voice in my head says, "yes that one and yes that one too".

  31. I really love your home and don't think it's cluttered at all. Your living room looked bare without the plants and so cosy when you put them back. I just found your podcast recently and now I'm enjoying catching up on your videos as your style is so inspiring.

  32. I’m a. Maximalist also, but everything is in its place! Your home is beautiful. I think I have just as many plants as you and I forget sometimes too.😊

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