Front Yard Garden

Overgrown and Neglected due to Back Injury | Full Transformation FOR FREE #satisfyingvideo

So I decided to combine the two videos and so everyone can see the full transformation. This gentleman showed me his scar from his surgery and I say this is a much deserve FREE TRANSFORMATION.

Enjoy the video and please don’t forget to subscribe πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


  1. Do you think all that overgrowth was from just one season? I’m thinking two or three seasons, but Australia and Wisconsin USA overgrowths are probably very different. Amazing cleanup!

  2. Back surgery might be in your future if you continue to slog away behind that Slasher. That said, you are an All World Ace with the weed eater. Nice job. Love that you clean up the clippings. What a difference it makes!

  3. Question: Have you ever considered getting a mini wood-chipper for the branches and fronds? Some of the mini-models are pretty compact, they have electric ones, and it would significantly reduce the number of tip-loads for your crew, and that's if you didn't just pour and spread out the new mulch onto the gardens~

  4. I will suggest that when palm trees are in the yard, cut off all the dead and yellowing fronds at the trunk. It makes the whole yard look a million times better. Leaving them behind and using the pole saw to cut just the ends wasn't the right way to handle them. Also, when you used the whipper snipper along the sidewalk you were very hard on the grass cutting it too short and that leaves it vulnerable to fungus. I was happy to see you pull out your real edger. I hate seeing edges of lawns ground up with a weed eater instead of properly edged. I enjoy your videos, and I hope you know when your audience takes the time to watch your whole video and leave a comment we aren't being mean, just constructive. You do a really nice job and it would be even better with a few small changes. Happy New Year and looking forward to more of your videos!

  5. One arm ,back surgery and trying and succeeding to get out there and help ….he more then deserves help …

  6. Great job. Lots of work but you always make bad look great. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Žβ€οΈ

  7. Poor gent was undoubtedly overwhelmed and discouraged by the sheer size of the job so felt unable to do anything. It may also not have occurred to him to whipper snipper it down until he saw what you guys did. One thing though, you need a huge tarp to pile stuff on to drag it to the curb or truck for removal rather than do many,, many loads. This was a great job, a really wonderful thing to do and you have encouraged the homeowner to get out there and do his best to maintain it as long as he is able.

  8. Love your hard work and attention to detail. Great Job, I have become a new subscriber πŸ’–πŸ’–

  9. wow, great and fantastic job. you are very talented and your work is excellent. thank you for all you do. the best, yes you got it

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