Japanese Garden

How to Turn Nursery Stock into a Shohin Bonsai Creation

Every holiday at Mirai, we pick out a neglected piece of nursery stock—often a recycled holiday tree or overlooked landscaping materials. This year, we acquired a dilapidated blue rug juniper with tremendous potential for bonsai creation.

Build your skills around maximizing the quality of nursery stock, transforming a commonly available material into a spectacular shohin bonsai display.


  1. Hello Ryan, thank you very much for this successful presentation and inspiration for me. You have managed it perfectly again. Greetings Gernot aka Bonsai-Treff from Berlin (Germany)

  2. I'm so very happy to see you work on something that people like me can and do actually have in my collection, it's given me so much confidence to see something that isn't like a massive piece that you have been growing for the last 13 years or it cost thousands,

    So thank you from a disabled fan of you and bonsai trees

  3. Seeing the way the pocket lid on his shirt is doing what it’s doing I can assure you that is a Carhartt shirt.

  4. Thanks for this video! Before covid I had 3 bonsai, now I have over 30 😂😂😂 many are from nursery stock

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