Edible Gardening

February No Dig Garden Update (Edible Garden NZ Summer 2020)

I’ve been M.I.A for a while, working on a cool project but now I’m back! Summer has been pretty slow but there is still plenty to do and harvest.

Here’s the video where I set up my front garden no-dig bed : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IytJGHaFYRA&t=441s

Homegrown and Homemade



  1. Welcome back from book break. I’m a novelist. It is a lot of work…congratulations. Also, I just got sent Vera Greutink’s new garden book called Edible Paradise. Your two books would be like sister….

  2. Love your chickens they are beautiful. I am going to give the no dig plan you are doing a go as I am north of you and the ground in my backyard has cracked and dried out so much. Thanks for the update and glad to see you back. Keep us in the loop with your book.

  3. I am looking forward to reading your book. How do you know when the kumara is ready to be harvested? It’s my first time growing it.

  4. Congrats on the book👏🏼, I’m very jealous of the lush look of your garden. I’m in Auckland and I’m gardening in a dust bowl

  5. Great to see you back, have been looking forward to an update! The garden’s looking amazing, so cool to see how well the front lawn area is doing. Love the guilds too around your fruit trees 🙂

  6. Awesome! Gardens is looking ace btw! A cool idea could be a way to pre-order your book? Snow we know we dont miss out 🙂

  7. Last fall I picked unripe (green) quinces and let them ripen in home and the jam was meh.. not much, later I picked fully ripe (yellow) quinces off the tree and this time the jam was awesome, so please don't make my mistake.
    I'd like a foraging video, actually I like them most of all, unfortunately youtube is pretty short on them or the foraging is not about fruits (sea foods).
    This year the Spring in most of Europe is coming 2-4 weeks earlier and I can't wait for the nature to wake up!
    I'm guessing in NZ it's dangerous to walk in the forest because of predators, or is it too far from your house? Otherwise perhaps try foraging something there?

  8. Welcome back Elien! Glad to hear the book is going well! Love your garden updates and all your helpful tips! I'm trying to grow most of our food as well, but I'm still a noob so it's all trial and error at the moment. Up in Auckland we've had almost no rain and we're trying to conserve water so the garden has really suffered 🙁 My watermelons only grew to the size of a tennis ball this year. Looking forward to getting the autumn garden going though. Can't wait for your next update 🙂

  9. Yay! You're back 😊. Am so so envious of your green lush garden! In Northland here, we have just had our first drizzle only yesterday. It's been tough and the poor vege garden has been sadly neglected as water is such a luxury, weve had to preserve it for special occasions, like a 1 minute shower 🤣😞
    So excited for your book!!!

  10. I’m happy you are back ☺️☺️really missed you videos 💚 looks amazing now , real medicine for my soul , we have such a rainy winter and can’t wait to start with our no dig gardening . Can’t wait you’re Bock will be on the market hope you send it overseas to ☺️☺️☺️greetings from ✨🌿💚🌿✨

  11. Just getting to watch, but great video. A couple of older couples at our church have small orchards in the yards. I volunteer to pick the fruits and they share the harvest with me. Helps them out and me also. I just planted fruit trees in my yard but too small to produce.

  12. I just found your channel and I'm so inspired! I am also from nz ,Palmerston north area 😊
    Can't wait to see your book!!!!!

  13. Welcome back. Been checking if you have a current video at the beginning of this year and I am glad you are back. I am preparing for my autumn veggies and I have a question to ask. After the summer garden, do I turn the soil to prepare my bed or do I just compost on top and start planting?

  14. How interesting that you had the kumara growing under your sweetcorn – how were the kumara when you harvested? I still have my kumara in the ground as I didn't get the slips in until Jan 1st 2021. So I'm waiting until early May to give them the full 120 days (my first year growing kumara). But we have had a mild and warm autumn here in Taranaki and the vines haven't died back like my pumpkin vines did. I may try growing them under the corn next summer too 🙂

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