Container Gardening

Bigger Carrots | Onions that Store | Allotments For Fun and Food

Rain every day and a manure delivery day means I have no choice but to get wet. I spare you the process but show you the end result. It became apparent that I was going to need more space for the manure as time goes on. The effort drives me back home for a rest and out the next day. The rain had a break and I get into the poly tunnel to look at what’s needed for the carrot bed. I also get to starting my sowing this year. I even have a go at growing peppers this year but in the tunnel. Keeping things covered is the way forward with my sowing and I show you what Im doing with onions. Globo onions for storing? well I show you my stored onions so that you can make up your own mind.

UK Allotments are the ideal place to learn how to grow fruit and vegetables. My allotment is a no dig allotment and I share how to grow vegetables and how to prepare a no dig garden. If you are growing in a backyard garden or homestead and you want some tips on how to grow vegetables I hope my channel has something to offer. Allotment ideas are always worth sharing and I am happy to share my gardening ideas and failures so that we can all learn to grow vegetables together. I also learn on the allotment nearly every time I am there and learning how to grow in a Polytunnel or greenhouse can be a fun an exciting experience too. If you are one of the many allotment beginners or thousands of people growing in your garden for the first time then join me growing on Allotments For Fun and food and get some allotment ideas


  1. I've been quite successful at growing lovely large onions, but this year they are bad! We had a slow cool wet spring, a sudden hot change for a week followed by more cool weather. My onions all split into several small onions. They haven't flowered yet so Im leaving them to see if they get any bigger. It's pretty disappointing. Gardening is such a lottery

  2. I'm a bit confused Malcom because I usually grow onions from sets but I do have some seeds that I would like to grow. I see that some youtubers like yourself are sowing now, but the packet I have and also the Charles Dowding book i have says to sow in February. I mean i suppose I can sow half now and half later, but I wonder if you have some insight from your experience growing onions from seed.

  3. Nice update malc! Feels good to start sowing doesn't it! Best peppers around I promise!! Once we get a few days dry weather those paths will get some bark. I promise you! Danny 🌱

  4. Hello Malcolm, Very apt episode for me, I wrote down some sweet pepper varieties last year to grow this year & promptly lost the list, the one I couldn't remember was 'King of the North' Just rectified that & ordered some. Thank you.

  5. I thought I'd nailed it last year, had an amazing crop of Ailsa Craig, they haven't stored the greatest, I've sown a couple of red varieties, and Globo (on your recommendation) Note to self, need to chop and freeze more sooner! Peppers and chilli's sown (in the propagator only set at 20 degrees) They are surfacing after a week though 🙂 I need to check my rhubarb!!

  6. I can only hope the Globo I've sown ( using your recommendation ) get anywhere near that size Malcolm, This season I'm doing Tropea Red Onions, ( some Mrs B bought), Zebrune Shallots and of course the Globo Onions..

  7. Hi Malc, Have you thought about a hot bed in your tunnel is you can get fresh manure? charles dowding uses one in his green house to help with seedlings. Just an observation( not that you work hard enough😃) you could do with cleaning your polly tunnel plastic it looks green on your videos and would aid light and longevity of the plastic. keep up the good work.

  8. Just an idea but could you fill the bed in the poly tunnel with your next delivery of horse muck. If you set your seed trays on top of it you could use the heat it produces to aid germination. Once the seeds are up and away you have a nice bed to plant them into.

  9. Quite the assembly line you’ve got going but I’m sure Mrs K is happier without seedlings all over the house 😂. Hope the rain lets up and your feeling better soon. Have a great week 👍👍🇨🇦

  10. Great update malc , loved seeing you start of your Globo onions which I'm growing this year for the first time but I'm worried about starting them so soon as I dont have a greenhouse or polytunnel so will have to keep them inside much longer , have you grown strawberries from seed , I am trying Alpine this year but instructions say I must freeze them for 2 to 4 weeks before planting them , I'm confused by that lol 😂

  11. I’m With you 100% on individual seed planting especially when old fingers trying to prick out wee seedlings. That is my least enjoyable time consuming task when I try it. Back to a bit of time and individual trays.
    Watching Danny and you today oh it’s grey and dark over there right now. Hope no one’s broken into sheds in your plot.

  12. Good video today Malcom, I sow my some of my seeds last week and some start to show there heads like the cucumber and Chinese cabbage but the spinach and zucchini are still underground but I no the zucchini would come but not sure about the spinach, were getting rain off and on for about 4 days now so I hope it would ease up so I could do some work in the garden.

  13. Howdy Malc!👋 I was dropping my pepper seeds today. 🙂
    Here's to another amazing gardening year! Do feel better soon! 💕

  14. I enjoyed that Malcolm. Hope you’re not getting hit too hard with a virus yourself?
    I’m going to try a carrot bed like your’s this year as My carrots are disastrous. Great advert for Zebrune and Globo.
    Looking forward to the year ahead as are you.
    I’m curious to know what you did for a living, you probably won’t tell me but, were you a teacher?

  15. Great advice on the onions Malcolm, I have already sown some but am going to try this method also, thank you!

  16. Hello Malcolm, you may need to have back up plans for your king of the north because real seeds did have them on sale last year so they could be jan 2021 or earlier when you got them.

  17. Sorry, but I have to ask because I think it’s so difficult to see if those planter’s are the thick and good quality plastic when I’m buying on the internet. Does they have a name the one you use?
    Thanks for another great video.

  18. It all looks great 👍 I managed to keep three of my six over wintered peppers alive which I am very happy with as it gives me a head start for this year.. the other three dried out too much as it's a fine line between keeping them dormant and giving them just enough water to survive and now the 3 remaining have started to grow leaves too…I have one purple beauty and two king of the North which are the ones I hoped would survive…I will sow some more King of the North in February but I will start them indoors with the help of some LED grow lights rural Cumbria and especially where we lives can be so unpredictable temperature wise 🙂

  19. I started my onion seeds today as well. Trying Globo this year as you like them so well – fingers crossed! I am not a fan of rhubarb, but it made me very happy to see the start of fresh growth on your plants. We might only be mid-winter, but it does feel like spring is on the way!

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