Backyard Garden

Amazon’s flying indoor security camera (first look)

We got the first public demo of Amazon’s flying indoor security camera, the Always Home Cam, at CES 2023, plus some hands-on time with the autonomous drone designed for inside your home. The company says the $250 camera might ship in 2024, but in the meantime, you can buy its new Ring Car Cam and old (but new again) Ring Peephole Doorbell camera. #amazon #ring #ces

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  1. You WILL allow the data capture devices into your most intimate spaces.

  2. I miss The Verge showfloor tours, with the reporters having The Verge reporter mic on.

    Let's bring that back Nilay

  3. There are tools that will do a reasonable job of removing distortion. Or you could, you know, set the record level right in the first place. But presenting this video without any remediation was not a good plan.

  4. That new Verge mic definitely looks awesome, but guys, you gotta do something about the gain on that mic… Listening with headphones, it hurt my ears… 😢

  5. Wasn't Ring the company known for selling the data of your arrival and leave times to advertisers? Sounds like a good idea to let them navigate your house and be in your car.

  6. How much more does the intel/security state think we'll pay for our own dystopian surveillance state?

  7. Can't get one. Drones make my dog go insane. He'd absolutely destroy the house to get at it lol

  8. It still boggles my mind that people have comprehensive home surveillance watching their own house, even when they’re in (when you see some “hilarious” happening that their camera recorded showing up on TikTok etc). When you just know it’s entirely possible it’s being sent and stored elsewhere where anyone now or in future can access or hack access to that footage. No privacy and they invite that into their home. I just don’t get it.

  9. dogs are not bothered by the flying cam, and cats don’t care? Waiting on cat ring always home hunting videos 🤣

  10. "it's having a bit of trouble with mirrors and windows"
    Well it's good that those are pretty uncommon in homes. Who has mirrors hanging in their home? I know my home has no windows whatsoever…

  11. I seriously tried to invent something like this for stores a long time ago. The concept is that you walk into a large store like a Supermarket, Home Depot or Best Buy, then ask the drone what you are looking for. It would direct you to the item. It would also let you know if it is in stock, the price, and show you similar items. Unfortunately, it was too expensive to pull off. LIDAR was still in it's infancy.

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