Japanese Garden

Japanese Black Pine from the “Grow It” Bonsai Seed Kit, Part 2

Japanese Black Pine from the “Grow It” Bonsai Seed Kit (from gift republic) has now grown enough to have the trunk wired and shaped.
It looks funky, by this is a long term project. I also pruned it this year to start building its structure.
It was started form seed in early 2020.

🔴You can see the full progression of this tree on my website:
⭕️ https://www.backgardenbonsai.com/japanese-black-pine-bonsai-progression-2020-now/

🔴My Care Guide:
⭕️ https://www.backgardenbonsai.com/japanese-black-pine-care-guide/

🔴 Youtube Playlist For This Tree
⭕️ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL35C7OqeOezJTfAdS637PcN8zJjj6ZDrM

Please Subscribe For More Videos – Every Sunday

🔴For More Guides and Bonsai Information: :

Thanks, Ian


  1. Hell yeh broski!!! I trimmed most of the long needles this year on mine…they looked terrible 😅🍺🍺…yours has great character. I cant wait to see it in 20 years…lol. cheers my friend

  2. I like the movement you put in it. I haven’t tackled pines yet but am planning on one or more for next spring. When do you start removing the previous years needles as a regular part of maintenance? Thanks, keep growing

  3. I would recommend putting more movement in the base. Right now the movement starts pretty high up.

  4. I think the 1st video I watched was you using the grow it kit, nice to see how much this pine has changed.

  5. Lol commented on the advert instead of the video to begin with.

    That's coming along nicely, that's the good thing about seed you're making all the decisions from the start.

  6. I’m diggin the movement you put in there. It’s lookin fantastic, brother. Very educational as well.

  7. Great work on this little tree. Very solid starter movement. Now all you can do is wait and see what the tree has to say about it. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Nice work Ian! Funny how JBP needles get so long when you let them.. i suppose its just the same as a broadleaf growing much bigger leaves when you let them grow unhindered. Anyway my JBP died in summer so in November I got a new whip about the same size as yours at the start of this vid, …
    … I have just had the bad but tempting idea of copying your wiring bends exactly and get a carbon copy tree here in spain! mine will always be a year behind yours… but will be an interesting experiment 😁

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