Japanese Garden

China's Dangerous Game of Airborne Chicken

Blake Herzinger joins Ward once again to talk about the recent close call between a Chinese Air Force fighter and a U.S. Air Force RC-135 spy plane and the consequences of these sort of provocative actions in the South China Sea region.

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  1. Hey Mooch is it possible for the 20mm on an f-14 to fire semi auto (one shot per trigger pull) and if not do you know of any aircraft with that capability?

  2. I've found the Chinese People to be much like Americans, all that are not connected with their government want the same things we want, to raise a family, feed them and see a future that is not contaminated BY the government. The Chinese Government and the Chinese Military have delusions of grandeur in thinking they are #1 in the world – they are decidedly NOT. China will not be #1 until they solve their population problems and be able to feed and sustain the rest as we do here in the West. Not choose male babies over females, and get rid of their "master plan" to rule the Earth alone.

  3. A Chinese fighter dumped chaff all over an Australian recon aircraft in 2021 … aircraft returned to base and was checked, went back out next day, according to media reports here in Australia

  4. Ward I was on the Indy with you on WestPac 90! Crazy about all the flybys. I was on deck fixing centerline strobes when the Bear Backfire Bomber came over the ship. I’ll never forget that.

  5. This has been going on for a very long time.

    Before arriving at VQ-2 in Rota, Spain I can remember hearing stories of certain crews from different aircraft over the years being harassed and even shot down and losing their lives while on watch.

    As a young cryptologist and Aircrewman aboard an EP-3C Aries II I can tell you we were intercepted and on occasions harassed by certain Soviet Aircraft over the years and of course aircraft from other countries as well including Libya. I always felt they would toy with us knowing we were pretty much defenseless up there.

    I remember the VQ-1 incident or Hainan Island incident happening a few years after I returned stateside.

    I’m extremely grateful to be alive today especially after finding out just how many reconnaissance aircraft and Aircrewman were lost over the years.

  6. The US is awfully concerned about enforcing the "Law of the Sea" for a country that doesn't follow those laws…
    equality for me but not for you

  7. It's a shame you can't splash these arse-holes, when their endangering your craft, both Airborne and surface units…. (sigh)

  8. In a similar vein, and as I remember it, I was flying with Okie Nance in VF51 off the Kitty Hawk (81 WestPac) during the first part our tour on Gonzo Station when we were briefed that we were about to be visited by some Soviet built Mays flying out of Yemen. The intel guys advised caution because they had a history of flying very low and turning into their escorts in an effort to fly them into the water. Okie figured we'd counter that by flying stepped up on their wing, which is exactly what we did when we launched on them from the alert. So,we're in position and flying slow enough so we're cocked up a bit and the May pulls straight into us in the turn to duck under and we're already low…not sure but seemed like about 500 feet. Okie pulls the airplane up into buffet to avoid the collision and expertly barrel rolls onto the other wing and we hang on. There were no further incidents with that guy during that intercept. Then we go down to Perth for a port call and before we get back to Gonzo Station after, the first F-14 Libyan shootdown occurs. So, the Mays come out again, nowhere nearly as aggressive; in fact, I thought I could see the pilot giving us head nods before he moved anything…

  9. I was living on the dependent (my dad was a CPO in HC 4) base in Sig when that happened. I remember that incident vividly, Libya and that happened while I was there.

  10. Good Lord, it's no wonder there are so many "international incidents" if this is the best countries can come up with for people to operate their communications systems I couldn't make one word out of what that Chinese was saying!!! He could have been telling me to drop the bomb for humanity's sake but I wouldn't have got so much as one syllable!

  11. The single greatest threat to world peace is UNITED STATES of AMERICA AIR FORCE. Killed most number of people, Japan and Vietnam had it worst. China expels USAF, awesome!

  12. Could you please explain why this is such a tragedy that the Chinese got a few electronic devices and the data they would contain but not too many Americans seem terribly concerned that #45 sold your country down the river with his cavalier attitude towards the words, "Top Secret" and "Classified". You are indeed a strange nation of people.

  13. The Chinese never cease to surprise me. What will they say next…. "we didn't shoot down that plane, it got in the way of the missile".

  14. Wondering what you'll do in reverse situation: chinese reconnaissance plane in international waters not far from NYC or Washington ?
    Why always US think they have ANY right to do anything they want ?
    Military power ? That's it ?
    You killed 485000 kids in Irak and you still think you are heros ??

  15. I'm not judging the guys that flew this airplane obviously the number one Focus was on recovering the aircraft but what was the reason/ reasons that they didn't destroy all the equipment? What procedures did they not follow before landing the aircraft? Obviously by Landing the aircraft on land in Chinese territory they're not going to be able to destroy anything outside of the airplane what were they supposed to destroy on the inside that they did not? In other words did the Chinese basically get a fully intact airplane that they could copy from head to toe besides what was in the nose that got ripped off when they were hit by the fighter jet?

  16. .

    Yeah! Right!!!

    What if ”THEY” start a hot-dogging campaign with the F-18’s we have over the Gulf of Mexico and the Devil’s Triangle? What then?

    We’d raise our arms in total disenchantment and we show them our tom cruise top gun machos and bravadery now wouldn’t we?


    We are Americans!

    We don’t take crap from anyone!!!



  17. as far as I understand,
    The place where the Russian Airforce is doing the most "close flybys" is in the Baltic… can't remember the exact dates, but, seems like a fairly constant entertainment there…
    the fact that no massive explosions have yet happened, shows *(unlike whoever appears to be involved in the invasion attempt on Ukraine) strangely both sides here are actually skillful and professionals…. just one being given a more reckless mission from command.

  18. also, all this makes me wonder, if the events of the downing of the American plane in China happened today, with the new more aggressive government, would the temptation for the Communist Leadership to make a show of strength/virility before the public result in the crew suffering a far more prolonged and painful fate??? possibly even execution.

    there is a lot to be said against the previous party leaders, but I somehow think, they were less zealots & more willing to negotiate and bow pragmatically to outside pressure…

  19. Maybe if the Navy kept out of the South China Sea they wouldn’t have to whine about Chinese aircraft intercepts being reckless provocation.

  20. Aren't there Chinese passenger flights to the U.S.? When one of these incidents happens, we should pull inspections of those aircraft and ground any that don't meet the most persnickety of safety standards.

  21. Deployed onboard Nimitz, somewhere in the Med in the 80's. Doing a CIWS/Drone shoot, we are standing on the flight deck watching. A Hormone actually flew up next to the bridge, hovers, port door opens, camera with a huge lens pokes out and starts taking pictures (most likely). This goes on for about 5-10 mins at which point 2 S-3's are called in and fly right over the ship/Hormone. The lens goes back in the Hormone and the door slams shut and the Hormone turns to starboard and hauls ass away from the ship with the S-3's in trail. I could go on and on. This is unfortunately nothing new.

  22. Some good info and anecdotes.
    You are missing a LOT of detail in your attempts to throw the EP-3 E crew under the bus, but understand, as you were not there and gossiping is a lot of fun.

  23. "Singapore is the cleanest city in the world", not anymore, not since the CCP let its animals out. Ask Singaporeans how their beautiful city was trashed!

  24. Pretty obvious the Chinese are wanting to hide something. Why else would they do that? There is no other reason. Many excuses probably. But only one reason.

  25. The island theft in the SCS happened under Obama's watch, while he played golf. Allies tried to get his attention to obstruct the Chinese dredging operations, but were ignored. Now the world has this issue to deal with (China asserts ownership over the 9 dash line, with military outposts to enforce their claim – they make their own laws for everyone else to obey).

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