Container Gardening

I Pruned the Kaffir Lime Tree, Container Garden Tour August 12, 2014

I pruned the Kaffir lime tree by about 2/3’s, and look how all the other herbs are doing after pruning in late July – they look like new plants in early spring! You can do this too! 🙂 Check out the Purple Tomatillo! Love it!


  1. BEAUTIFUL containers. They really did bounce back after cutting them back. The lime tree is loving its severe 'hair cut'.  Donna, is there a reason you like freezing Thai Peppers instead of drying them? I am growing Cayenne Peppers for the first time in hopes of preserving some of them for winter use. Thank you for the great tour.

  2. Can I do the same with my sweet peppers and bell peppers, keep them in the garage during winter time?  Can you do a video sometime, to show us how you do that? I have about 8 containers  with peppers and also celery. Thanks for the videos

  3. Love your plants. They look beautiful. I love living in warm area because I can grow all year. I plant the seeds in the winter time because in the summer is super hot and most of the time it won't spout, Great job

  4. Donna your videos are like therapy!  You have such a relaxing voice & manner about you!  And your videos are so uplifting.  I was kinda in the dumps the other night & I watched a couple of your older videos – one was with your little boy & your cute dog was there also and you both picking out seeds – it was so sweet – it reminded me of another era.  Thank you & Jayden (sorry if spelled incorrect) for making such special videos & sharing! 🙂 

  5. I always enjoy the herb tours.  I definitely plan on planting some things this winter.  Got the seeds…can't wait!  I have a question – do you also have a stockpile of fresh meat in the freezer for the winter and to save money?  That's how I was raised and still buy quite a lot.

  6. When you prune and get a lot of leaves like that, a lot of Asian people in California would love to buy it bags full of them

  7. the title says "I trimmed the kaffir lime" but there is 8min of other stuff before , make another video call it my other non kaffir lime plants

  8. Hi Donna, I have been scouring the internet for kaffir lime trees/pruning and this is the prettiest tree. Your tree has a really great shape and was looking for some advice (I’m brand new to this). I have 3 little kaffir lime trees at around 13 inches but they are only growing straight up. At what height would you cut the leading bud to encourage branching into something that will end up like yours? Many Thanks, Adam

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