Japanese Garden

Expert Tips for Pruning Your Maple: Japanese Style!

Pruning a Japanese maple can be daunting… especially if your goal is to shape your tree in a Japanese style. You may need to make drastic cuts to your tree. But how do you know which branches to cut?

The good news is, it’s actually pretty simple (when you know how).

You must start with a plan for the shape you want to create. Then you must understand how your maple branches grow.

And that’s what I’m going to show you in this video.

When you watch this video, you’ll see I’ve made it childishly easy for you to see your tree’s natural structure.

You’ll also see how you can use that natural structure to your advantage.

Hit play now to check it out.

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If you like what I shared in this video, I have something else I think you’ll love. It’s my FREE guide called “6 Simple Steps to Pruning a Japanese Maple Tree”.

You can grab your copy here: https://bit.ly/3Vs3ony

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