
Gardening tips

Rose flowers andamga ravalant ila cheyyandi.
naa chinni garden chuseyandi


  1. Edit: I ended up with enough answers across YouTube for my essay, so no one else needs to respond to the below questions anymore, unless you would like to of course. Thanks! 🙂

    Hi everyone,

    I have a favor to ask. If you are a gardener, could you please answer some or all of the below questions? It is for a class essay on how COVID19 has affected gardening (I’m supposed to “interview” strangers), but so far I haven’t had any success, so I’m just posting in the comments at this point. Thanks!

    1. When did you first start gardening?

    2. What is the reason(s) you continue to garden today?

    3. What was the hardest moment you faced as a gardener(s), and how did you overcome it/learn from it?

    4. How has COVID-19 affected your gardening, if it has at all?

    5. How has gardening overall affected your relationship with others (friends, family, yourself, etc.)?

    6. What is the most important lesson you have learned from gardening?

    7. Do you think the outside perspective (as in, those who do not garden) on homestead gardening has changed since the pandemic began?

    8. From your experience, do you think more people are investing in locally grown food (whether that's buying seeds, visiting farmers markets, buying plants)?

    9. What do you wish you knew before you started gardening?

    10. Is there any advice you want to give to people who are new to the gardening community or interested in growing their own greens?

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