Gardening Supplies

New Plants Arrive! The 2023 Season Has Begun | Gardening with Creekside

The 2023 growing season has begun with the arrival of new plants! We received a wonderful shipment of perennials from Walters Gardens this week, and we are excited to share some of these beauties with you. It’s going to be a beautiful spring!

To learn more about these perennials visit Proven Winners website at and Walters Gardens at

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Proven Winners
Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)
Our Amazon Store (we receive a portion of each purchase you make)

🪴 Products We Use 🪴
Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. I would like to meet your hard working staff. I’m sure they have extensive information we could use.

  2. Loved this video. The excitement of seeing new spring plants and learning about the potting process especially with the bare root plants has nourished my gardenering soul. Thanks so much!!!

  3. Exciting.🤗🤗🤗. It begins. Man I’d love to be there potting up plants. Getting spring fever but we still have 3 more months yet. You guy’s are feeding my soul for planting. Envious of you guy’s. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

  4. Yes this was such a treat for us up here in the northeast! “After every winter comes spring” 🌱

  5. Natural Resources Canada keeps telling me our growing zone in my province is now zone 4. So I decided to experiment by adding a pulmonaria to one of my beds. Then we had a week of -48 to -50 C windchills before Christmas. My first thought was what will I see alive come Spring. My second thought was Natural Resources Canada has no clue what it’s talking about…. 😩

  6. 5-STAR video!!
    Oh Gosh,,, I really love that 'Pink-a-Blue' [Lungwort] Pulmonaria hybrid. It is so lovely.
    [2] I'm ALSO a fan of Ajuga,, and that one is also a favorite to me.
    [3] The Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' [Carpet Bugle]; and the Allium 'Lavender Bubbles',,, ARE on my list for this coming spring planting.
    [4] The 'Firefly Sunshine' – Yarrow – Achillea,, would look so fantastic in your Berm.

    [5] The 'String Theory' – Blue Star – Amsonia hybrid and the 'Storm Cloud' – Bluestar – Amsonia [tabernaemontana],,, really have totally wild look to it with multiple star flowers that burst out. Very interesting plants.
    [6] AND I am a total sucker for all kinds of Hosta's. I've never met a HOSTA I didn't like. And the bigger the better!! The Shadowland "Empress Wu"Hosta hybrid, is far more stunning in real life than any picture can do it justice.
    [7] Emily needs a rubber mat to stand on while planting,, The Concrete might me hurting her hips,, the way she was swaying there. Such a lovely sweet is Meghan! Jackson's great too! I love family team work.
    THANK YOU AGAIN for the detailed information. I can't wait to see the structures filled up with blooming beauties. It is greatly appreciated by garden lovers [and us farmers]. God Bless you all!

  7. I never grow tired of your videos…and I've been with you from the beginning.
    Did I see Emily (or Meghan) snipping off some of the baptisia roots? I have to dig up a self-seeded plant that is up against the public sidewalk and impeding the walkway. I know baptisia roots grow incredibly deep (I once dug up a dwarf plant to transplant it and the hole was as deep as my knees and still I hadn't reached the bottom) and wondered it I could just cut them off. I don't even care if the plant survives or not.
    I'm redesigning a garden this year (where said baptisia is) and have been thinking of plants that look like shrubs, but can withstand heavy piled up snow as this is by the public sidewalk. Amsonia might be for me or peonies (my favorite) or hydrangeas 😏
    Looking forward to the new machine.

  8. Walter Gardens in Michigan is the biggest reason that the USA gardens are always bursting in bloom all season. I live in Michigan and I am delighted to see this video.

  9. I certainly hope that you will do a 2023 tour of Walters Gardens. Your 2022 was simply stunning. You do tours so well. You are a great speaker, informative and entertaining with a bit of humor and real life tossed into the tour.

  10. Fascinating! I love the " behind the scenes" videos. as much as the gardening videos!! The very best of luck with the 2023 growing season!

  11. Really enjoyed this. Love to see all the new plants coming in. Thank you for taking us along. Will you be selling the "Ming Treasure" Iris online ?

  12. I live in east Tennessee and I'm planning a trip to see your beautiful nursery in the spring. Your selection of plants is amazing and your love for all things green and growing is obvious. Thanks for sharing your journey as you expand!

  13. Can Pulmonaria grow in full shade? One side of our house faces North so it doesn't get sun and I'd love to plant something there. Hostas? Pulmonaria? I'm zone 4/5.

  14. Do you as the grower pick what type of plant start you receive? For example, can you get a baptisia in plugs if you prefer, or is baptisia only sent as bare root, iris only comes as plugs ect? What type of plant start do you prefer to work with?

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