Gardening Supplies

The Best Gardening Books — “Gaia's Garden”

“Gaia’s Garden” is one of the best gardening books available. There are some gardening books that deserve a place in every gardener’s library and this is one. “Gaia’s Garden”, by Toby Hemenway, is packed with information suitable for every gardener. It isn’t loaded with pretty photos, but contains diagrams and tables and pages of information on just about everything you need to know to create an environmentally friendly landscape. It looks at the garden as an ecosystem that any gardener can create in a backyard.

You can get your copy here:

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  1. Very clearly stated review. This book has been on my "radar" for a couple of year's now and I think it will be added to my garden library soon. Blessings on your endeavors, Gardener Scott!

  2. Been reading this book and this is my favorite gardening book too. Trying to search an explanation type review for this book , found you here. 😊

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