Gardening Supplies

Road Trip to Get the Potting Machine | Gardening with Creekside

The time has come for us to hit the road and make the journey to Semmes, AL to pick up our potting machine! Join us on this exciting & exhausting adventure.

Our potting machine is from Mitchell Ellis Products

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Proven Winners
Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)
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Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. That is quite a piece of equipment! Glad y’all made it safe. I was tracking the crazy weather thru Georgia because I have family scattered there.

  2. Welcome to Alabama! That was a fast trip. Glad you made it home safely. (I live in N. Alabama by Huntsville) We had all that rain and storms here but thankful no damage. My sister-in-law was at the Lawrence county hospital in Moulton when the storm happened and had to go into a bathroom. She is ok and so was everyone else. It tore part of the roof off of the hospital. Good luck getting your potting machine up and running. Thanks for taking us along.

  3. It’s going to be exciting seeing this potting machine in action and huge timesaver production wise. Bet you feel like it’s Christmas in mid-January. Glad you had a safe trip, albeit an extremely long one with that much being towed.

  4. WOW!!! That was quite the journey, in all ways. So glad you were able to get the machine you've been wanting for so long and you are all safe and sound back home. I hope you slept in the next morning. Congratulations! It will be fun seeing it together and helping you and the crew pot up all of the plants to come. Again, Congratulations!!!

  5. I love you and Jerry and I live in Mobile! When you make the trip to return the machinery you should have a meet and greet for your Mobile fans!!💖

  6. Wow! I had no idea the machinery was that big. Kuddos to Jerry and the whole 'J' crew for feeling comfortable in driving/hauling for 8+ hours . And just think, we got to see the condensed trip in 9+ minutes from the comforts of our own homes. Glad it was a safe trip. Rest up.

  7. Every potting machine purchase I have ever heard of becomes a long drive somewhere. So strange and interesting…

  8. I’m sure y’all thought the temps would be warmer in Mobile. After that horrible storm all the cold weather came in behind it.

  9. Way to go Jenny. I'm so happy for all the progress at Creekside. Meanwhile I've started a vegetable garden and I wish everyone success in their goals this year.

  10. Nice to see that you made it home safe & sound.. A new chapter with this piece of equipment for sure….All the best…from BC Canada….

  11. We always appreciate an “uneventful” trip❤ So, happy all the stars aligned and the equipment is now with y’all! Excited for y’alls future & all the videos to come!

  12. I couldn't like this video. But I'm leaving a comment. Don't know what's going on with YouTube lately. So very happy you were able to get your potting machine finally yay

  13. Well done on a safe road trip!
    Such an exciting time at Creekside!
    Very curious to see the set up at the Annex! Hopefully the longer conveyer doesn’t take up too much more space. 👏👏

  14. Waves HI to you all from Alberta Canada 😊. Have a safe ride back home with your time saver machine!!

  15. How exciting road-trip and a machine that will make it easier for u guys to work with . I worked in Michigan at a nursery and I miss it so mush brings so much memories when I see you videos!

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