Backyard Garden

How to start a nursery business in your backyard for under $1,000 in 2023 // Step By Step

Many people are interested in the idea of starting their own small nurseries but have no idea where to start. Figuring out how to get your own potting soil in bulk, pots, plants, nursery licenses and more can be intimidating if you have no experience. In this video, we show how to do all this and more for under $1,000. If you have less than $1k to start your nursery, or more, the ideas will work on any scale. INSTAGRAM –

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Amazon Affiliate Links
Corona Clippers

Peters Fertilizer 10-30-20 (25lbs)

Peters Fertilizer 10-30-20 (10lbs)

Jacks Plant Starter (25lbs)

Dramm Irrigation Wand

Flexzilla Hose



0:00 – Intro
1:02 – Ground Cover
2:42 – Starter Plants
7:25 – Pots
9:42 – Potting Soil
11:30 – Legal Stuff
15:45 – Fertilizer
19:08 – Final step and wrap up


  1. Slow release fertilizer is great, but I stopped using osmocote years ago. A hobbyist grower recommended a better slow release fertilier called Nutricote, which goes by Dynamite in retail stores. the great things about Nutricote is that its nutrients do not “flash” or release all at once with overwatering.

  2. Great info. I take it “Miracle Gro” is one of the types of “fast release” fertilizers that you recommend NOT to use?

  3. Thank you for this video. I found your YouTube videos about a week ago. I have been wanting to start a small backyard nursery for a long time but never knew where to start. It is good to hear that I can start small. I am in zone 7. Can’t wait to start.

  4. Still difficult to get nursery pots… on the waiting list at am Leonard. I am/was planning to do the Dept of ag course for nursery practices & if I want to sell produce, in my state… but, that was BEFORE … I did find out that I don’t need any cert if I sell less than 20k annually although I think that might only apply to produce. The Dept of ag people seem reasonable, but they are all old dudes. It’s going to be a Nazi nightmare soon, after the hitler youth steps in, so I think I might skip it. They were pressuring me to ‘register’ voluntarily. It feels like a set up, like what the Nazis did to the Jews. But, I’m interested in creating quality products and giving excellent value to my customers. My biggest concern is to prevent my plants from disease and pest issues. At this point, I’m thinking it might be best not to sign up with the beast system. Maybe this seems crazy to you, but I recommend people who want to get into this, take these things into consideration.?

  5. In case anyone is wondering, the nursery license is very important. Do not try to save money by not getting your license. If you do not have that, and the state finds out (and they do have active searches just for this) they will come and confiscate your plants. There are fines as well, but if you get into compliance they don't fine you. Even if you are selling a few plants at a garage sale, if you do not have a license bye bye plants. This was told to me by a friend who works for my states Department of Agriculture. They are serious about this.

  6. I just had this thought to start a nursery 10 min ago😂 this is my first video and it was AMAZINGGGG! So thorough and encouraging thank you! ❤️

  7. Dear savy hawareyou iamfine mynameis Endeshaw Wondimu from Ethiopia iamverymuchintersted planting andselling indoor plants andsmallamauntofoutdoorplants willyouhelpmebyyourgoodidea?thankyou.

  8. Great video. I found a Floridan fertilizer 12-6-6; 50 pound bag for less than 90.00 free shipping…do you think MPK are OK? Or has to be the one you're showing on your video?

  9. Just found your channel and subscribed. Looking forward to diving in to this. Very helpful information, thank you for sharing. What part of the country are you growing in?

  10. Thanks for the video! I love the way you explain, is fast and easy to understand.

  11. My only hangup at the moment has to do with where and how to overwinter potted starts. I have greenhouses that I use for typical annuals which are just storage Nov-Feb/March zone 5b. I would like to keep the potted units in the greenhouses since I cannot logistically store them in my house. My questions are in regards to the establishing roots being exposed to freezing temps and how to best protect them if necessary. Can i leave them out in the greenhouses with no insulation, depending on the cover to be enough? Or would it be better to cover them in a bed of straw inside the greenhouse to add insulation, and pull them up once temps get above freezing?

  12. So my google never EVER pulls up wholesale plant.growers…EVER…just box.stores and mega online ones…

    Do u have any NAMES

  13. Hi!! Loved your video, this was very helpful!!! Growing and healing is my passion and I want a nursery of my own. I love propagating!
    And love the idea of growing all year round. However I’m in cleveland Ohio, with harsh winters. What do you suggest? I wonder can I have a greenhouse in my basement? With proper lighting? Do you think that will work?

    And I’m interested to know what state do you live in?

  14. Do you have an LLC, registered business name or trade mark? I'm starting a flower farm in my state and I am so lost on which one is best for a flower business.

  15. The hardest part is convincing your HOA that having a nursery in your backyard is no big deal. 🙂

  16. I’m 65. I just subscribed. I own an acre in Louisiana and it is just mowed grass right now. We get good rains and good sun. Seems as though anything can grow here. I’m thinking “why not invest $1000 in my acre?” And see what I can produce for income out of it. I’ll be reducing my own carbon footprint (I think) and while that’s not the goal at all it is kinda cool. But really I want the “hobby” of puttering and I like the idea of getting my hands into soil. Plus when I retire I could just “leave it” while I travel and pay a neighborhood kid to come water it or simply set up timer sprinklers. It is a cool idea to grow stuff. I’d be interested in your notion on a couple things. First is potted plants vs potted trees? I’m talking like landscape trees. Do you have an opinion on profitability of one type vs the other? My wife loves bamboo (she grew up in a part of the world where it grows native). I wonder about being a bamboo plant/tree nursery and wonder your opinion.

    As I said I subscribed. I want to learn more as the subject interests me a lot. I’m just wasting square feet of land today and it would be pretty nice looking to go out back and see a small field of “my buddies” gently swaying in the wind!

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