
10 Best Gardening Hacks for 2023

Want to make your gardening jobs easier? Want to save time and find short cuts? Well this video is for you, our muddy-fingered friend! In this week. Ben reveals 10 of his best hacks to lighten your gardening load and help ensure you success in your garden, including some not-so-obvious lightbulb moments. It’s short and sweet this week. Let’s get growing!

For more ah-ha tips and tricks from Ben, check out our other hack-tastic videos:

10 Clever Hacks for Plastic Bottles in the Garden

My Top 10 Time Saving Tips Revealed ⏰

My Top Tricks of the Trade Revealed

And for more on sharpening tools, see:
How To Sharpen Garden Tools: Make Life Easy! 👍

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at


  1. Excellent again Benedict, I've lost a few hand tools because of green handles only to find them months later. Will get some bright tape. Atb 👍🌱

  2. Here's a tip if you need to tie plants to a support, use older mint plant stems, but not too old because then the stem isn't flexible enough. Saves money and the stems can be a tiny amount of mulch once they've worn down

  3. I put my tools into a small pail that stays next to me. When I need another tool or am finished, it goes back to the pail.

  4. Tip: Used coffee grounds keeps cats away from using beds as their toilet. I planted cherry tree in October and covered the area around the tree with fresh compost as mulch and long release feed. Few days later I saw a cat using it as a toilet. This happened again three times and after I spread grounds this cat has left it alone.

  5. Do you have an unheated greenhouse? If so, what can you use for the greenhouse during below freezing December to February days. My first yr with the greenhouse. Trying to learn the most efficient use

  6. Old toothbrushes make excellent plant labels (with permanent marker). At end of season, once through the dishwasher (hot water!) & the pen comes off, ready to go again.

  7. Last year I put up a large peg board in my garden shed, painted it black, hung up all my hand tools, then drew around each one in white chalk. In just a glance I can see if a tool has been left outside. It will have an empty outline… kind of like a murder victim 😉

  8. Mix your seeds with some white sand when sowing in a row. It will keep you from sowing too many seeds next to each other, and it gives a visible line where you've sown

  9. Another great video 🙂. However, you've got the Mrs expecting me to perform some spade action 😲🤣

  10. A Southern Hemispshere tip from Auckland, in New Zealand ! I have struggled to keep Tamarillo trees alive, as they were persistently getting some kind of mildew attack. I finally came across this simple remedy – One part milk to 10 parts water, plus a teaspoon of baking soda. Spray this on the leaves, and hey presto, healthy plants. I am intending to use this magic mix on pumpkins next year, and hollyhocks. Cheap and effective.

  11. i only know of one tip thats yet to be tested by me, but its appearantly effective, put carrots with greedy plants like tomatoes, theyll have no choice but to focus on roots while getting the top part less cause the tomatoes for instance are too greedy and gulp up all the nutrients for the top part of the plant

  12. Did you pull out Herb Robert in the weed section? 😲 Noooooo. If it is Herb Robert, it is a handy medicinal herb 😉Many weeds are great medicinal herbs and can be utilised for our benefit ❤️

  13. I thought I was the only one who had a cat who liked to use my mulch as a litter box….. She also loves to use my compost piles

  14. God: What have you done during the installation of the slavery agenda to inform your peers? Youtuber: Nothing I continued doing trivial videos for money

  15. Ben, I always enjoy your videos, positive attitude, and enthusiasm! Have you ever tried winter sowing to have nature help you grow seedlings from seeds outside during the winter? You take a transparent or translucent large plastic milk or juice jug. Punch in about 8-10 drainage holes in the bottom. Measure about 4 inches (or 10 cm) up from the bottom and cut the jug horizontally. Leave about 5 cm of the jug attached and fill the bottom part with well moistened potting soil. Plant in a few seeds–something like 5-8, depending on what you're planting. Mark the contents INSIDE the jug and OUT with permanent ink. Tape all around the horizontal cut you made (closing it securely) and set the jugs OUTSIDE and open to the elements without any cap. Sun, wind, rain, and snow will all help the process. The seeds know when to break dormancy and sprout. They'll grow into beautiful seedlings as long as you ensure they have water. I only needed to water mine 1-2 times per winter and nature did the rest. It's really satisfying and economical. I know you have a great greenhouse, but it's worth experimenting with a few jugs. You can grow perennials or annuals, vegetables, herbs, or flowers. It's economical and fun! Happy New Year!

  16. I took all my tools and covered the cutting parts. Then I painted all the handles blaze orange with spray paint. Ever since then, they've been much easier to collect at the end of the day. Doing it daily as you wrap up your work is smart. That helps you avoid accidents, keep track of valuable tools, and be all set for the next day. I learned the hard way and just dug up the hori hori knife I "lost" two years ago. I feared it was lost (or tossed out), but I've been able to recondition it all. Now off to paint the handle ORANGE!

  17. Great content, useful information and entertaining to watch. Love your work good sir!

  18. They make tools with green or black handles SO THAT YOU'LL LOSE THEM. White tape is no help to me. I've used bright yellow electrician's tape but even those disappear in some undergrowth so now I spray paint all the tool handles hot pink

  19. Garden tool companies paint them green so you do lose them. They want you to buy more. Lol.

  20. Hey to collect leaves set your lawnmower on it's highest cut and run over the leaves be doing that it cuts them up making them easy to handle. Hey you are not the only one that needs knee pads a lot of the young girls and boys must be kneeling a lot as well because their knee's and please don't tell that is style if i went home with jeans like that my mother would have chaste me back to get them changed she would have came with me and give the shop keeper an ear full for selling me second hand jeans and them tore to bits

  21. I use a power mower with it's bag attached for picking up leaves. (we have LOTS) Not only does it make quick work of the process, it also chops the leaves into a finer consistency so they compost faster. Rather than put all the leaves into the composter, I plastic bag a few batches to keep over the winter and use as mulch the following year.

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