Front Yard Garden

How to Create a beautiful LOW maintenance Flower Bed | Do It Yourself

Who doesn’t want color in their landscape year round?! 🌸 🌺

The problem is most plants only bloom during a specific season… they look GREAT while they’re in bloom but when the color is gone, so is the WOW factor. In this video we show a trick on how you can keep color in your garden YEAR ROUND and a way to make transplanting flowers QUICK and EASY!! The secret is….burying planting pots in the ground 🤫🤫

We hope you enjoy this video and please feel free to comment with any questions you might have.

God Bless

~~~~ Product Info Below ~~~~

10″ Resin Planter –
12″ Resin Planter –
16″ Resin Planter –
Landscape (Root Cutter) Shovel –
Premium Pro Woven Landscape Fabric –
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  1. Thank you sir for your channel- I live in the southern part of NC and find this a great resource for us southerners.

  2. Oh my gosh this video and your other one about what is a good liner to use was perfect. I live in a desert area but don’t always want desert looking plants I love flowers but don’t have a green thumb thank you so much your awesome 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️

  3. What are the names of the greenery and flowers used in this video? This design is exactly what I would like to have, but not very knowledgeable about plants and flowers.

  4. plants will do better if planted in the soil. don't leave the plants in the black plastic containers, they will jsut die if they are not watered constantly and will become root bound and not product as many flowers. also add about 10x more compost to the bush holes than he did. a couple handfulls in bottom of hole is not enough. an entire bag per hole is needed

  5. Why would you kill those perfect bushes ? Couldn’t the owners relocate them? I’m sure someone would have wanted them.

  6. The blue pots that you put in the ground do they have holes in bottom? And where do you get them?

  7. Are those regular 5 gallon buckets in the holes? What a brilliant idea for swapping out plants!

  8. This vid and the other one about the weed liner material is exactly what I needed. Been pondering what I should do. I want to do a rock bed but have some colorful plants low maintenance. I didn’t know you could do that with potted plants.

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