Backyard Garden

How to Fix Tough Backyard Drainage Problems

Here’s job where we fix backyard drainage problems in Metamora Michigan. The homeowner took some pictures of what happens during big rains. You can see that the back of that house had 9-10 inches of water up against the service door of the garage and the water would just go right into the garage. This was because all of the ground landscape beds, even the green belt was all higher. This was the low spot and water always finds the lowest point.

FDM’s Online Yard Drain Supplies:

French Drain Man – Michigan’s Yard Water Drainage Experts. Masters in the art of constructing contained French drain systems & curtain drain systems that and fix your yard drainage problems for years to come. Over 30 years’ experience in solving yard water drainage problems in Oakland, Macomb, Lapeer, and St. Clair Counties.

French Drain Man / Sherwood Landscape Construction, LLC
P.O. box 777
Almont, MI 48003


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How to Fix Tough Backyard Drainage Problems in Metamora, Michigan

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  1. how did it turn out at the end? may i also ask where does the water go for the back wash on the pool he should of had you put a line in for that

  2. Just curious, why didn’t you use an outdoor sump in this project at the garage service door area?

  3. Have you ever done work in The New York city area? Asking because I am in the Bronx and have a bad water drainage problem and no one that knows how to help properly. I was told I needed an engineer but that is 25k before any work gets started.

  4. This job was no joke, you have saved these clients from much heartache. Your team and workmanship is first rate.

  5. Hey, great work guys! About to tackle something similar, would you recommend Gator Fabric 3.5 non woven for a fabric?

  6. Can yard drain connect to a main sewer line? I have a drain from the back of my house to the front yard but I don’t see a outlet.

  7. If they're working on this project I doubt they're watching this video so what's the point of the shout out

  8. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)
    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27)

  9. Thank you for the video. Unfortunately I was unable to watch (listened carefully:) beacause the fast movement gave me vertigo 🙁

  10. Good job lads,plenty of men and plant on that job,I would do that job by myself but I am a top of the range Irish navigator 🇨🇮

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