Backyard Garden

Backyard Flower Beds GARDEN TOUR 🧡 Soil + Margaritas 🌸

Hello, I am Rox! Welcome to my channel!

My garden is located in Zone 5 in Central Indiana, I have a VERY small urban garden that I LOVE and today, I will be giving you a small tour of the area by the water fountain… I love to grow things like hydrangeas, lilacs, tulips, hibiscus, geraniums, millenium garlic, geums, honeysuckles, lavender, coneflowers, hollyhocks, spireas, hostas, etc etc and this year, we expanded our vegetable garden area where we currently have tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, green beans, cucamelons, sweet peas and a few other things.

So check out the video, give it a like and consider subscribing!

#gardentour #augustgarden #gardening

Soil and Margaritas .. I’m on Insta too!


  1. Garden 💛🧡🖤🤎🤍💜🤌🤌🤌👍👍👍music💞💓💗💕💙💚💛💘💘💘💘💘🤌🤌🤌🤌👍👍👍👍

  2. So relaxing. I love how you tell us the names of the plants just by a label on the screen. I also enjoyed seeing some bug eaten leaves. Keeping it real!

  3. I love the closeup photography – so beautiful! My fav shot was of the helenium at minute 6:48. Your plants are very interesting and some quite uncommon like red mukdenia in the combo. Everything is looking so lovely – I can’t afford the fountain so will just enjoy yours in the video , lol!

  4. Thank you for the close up of your beautiful garden. Great idea for giving us the names of the flowers. 💖💖💖💖

  5. WONDERFUL !!! 👌😗 I THANK YOU for a beautiful, inspiring video. 👍 I liked the processing, the names of the plants, the detail on them. What to add ?! WONDERFUL !!! 💓Well thank you. Maťa from Slovakia👋😊🍀🐞🌾🌸🌿⛲🐦🎶

  6. I'm moving from CA to INDIANA in 15 days, leaving behind a beautiful flower garden and vegetable area. This inspires me, that I can have something similar in an area that has snowfall.

  7. Hola me gustó tu jardín. Y ando buscando un vídeo de cómo hacer esos rombos que hiciste en tu pared, me puedes ayudar a decirme que material usaste y que medidas tienen , como los colocaste, o si tienes un vídeo de cómo lo hiciste te lo voy a agradecer, necesito poner unas hojas en forma de rombos en una pared de 6×2 mts de altura y no tengo idea. Oye y en tu jardín no tienes hormigas? Yo ví un vídeo tuyo dónde hablas en español pero después quise ver otros y ya no entendí nada porque está en inglés. Me podrías contestar en español?.🙏 Por favor contestame. Gracias de antemano.

  8. Nice tour. You put a lot of work into your garden you can tell. It's a healthy hobby I enjoy the hard work it's so worth it.
    Good therapy too. I have a rock fetish I have rocks everywhere I collect them and work them in my garden somehow someway….lol 🤪

  9. Absolutely beautiful ! Thankyou for giving names of flowers 💐! Such an inspiration ! 🙏🌷💐🌺

  10. I saw garden and margaritas, my favorites. So here I am!
    The garden is SO beautiful. I like how you show the garden. You go slowly, and you stop and hold.
    You gave some amazing leaf closeups. The plants were labeled with their names. Well Done.
    Where are the margaritas? Lol
    New Subbie

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