Backyard Garden

Do Bio-stimulants Visually Make The Lawn “Better”?

Thanks again for watching today. As mentioned, I only want to help and assist you all on what I’ve personally experienced myself in my journey. Hope this info entertains or helps someone out there! Best of luck in the upcoming season, and may we all have those head turning lawns. God bless, stay safe and see you Friday!

Products to try if interested, but not necessary!

0-0-1 RGS Root Growth Bio-Stimulant, Sea Kelp | N-Ext:
[N-Ext] 0-0-5 Sea-K Stress Reducer, Bloom and Root (this link is $10 cheaper than Amazon!):
5-0-1 Spoon Juice Liquid Fertilizer and Bio Stimulant with Humic Acid and Kelp:
RX Soil At Home Test Kits:


  1. 9:04 = “God gave us free will to do whatever we want on this earth; right?
    And your lawn is your lawn.”
    * I restarted my One Year Bible Plan this morning and read this just before watching your Video – and laughed when I read it, and LOL again when I watched your video . . .
    – “ Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I Commanded you, ‘You must NOT eat from it’ . . .
    Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.
    * It will produce thorns and thistles (and weeds) for you, and you will eat the plants of the field.
    By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until your return to the ground, since from it you were taken – for dust you are and to dust you will return”. Gen 3”17-19 Message
    ( No wonder Fall Re-Seedings are so Painful !?! ) LOL
    ** Laughed AGAIN when I remembered that Your Brother’s Name is ADAM

  2. Good information enjoy your videos thanks!
    I have ignored getting a soil test but listening today I will get it done down here in Texas.

  3. Better lawns thru Chemistry. Thanks very informative. I concur that soil testing is good to determine what you need. So how many times a year (and when) do you soil test your yard?

  4. I’m glad you brought up the topic of bio stimulants. I watch a lot of folks here on YouTube. I feel
    like the people that say it doesn’t work really don’t state there case very well. I wanna know why these folks say it doesn’t. But I know one of these folks used them in years past in there videos. Also I didn’t use them in 2022 and I had areas struggle that didn’t struggle when I used them on a regular basis in 2021.

  5. Well said bud! I love my bio-stims. You do get a visual response in the lawn, though not as flashy as traditional fertilizer! God bless my friend! Happy new year to you and your family.

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