Japanese Garden

Styling a windswept juniper bonsai

In this video, I style a juniper which I bought from a nursery a couple of years ago, into the windswept style using bonsai wiring techniques


  1. what a wonderful tree!
    and thanks for changing the angles depending on the focus you are working on, it really helps! between minute 5 and 6 i would have also liked to see it from the front again, but i can understand, you cannot carry about the perfect view angle for each and every second. so have you thought about using a second camera to be able to switch between angles later in the cutting?

    And I just wanted to thank you for all of your amazing bonsai videos. Your passion for bonsai really shines through and it's been such a pleasure watching your journey. I hope you're recovering well from your surgery and sending all the best for a speedy recovery. Keep on sharing your love for bonsai with the world!

  2. The tree is looking good. Looks like only the strongest branches survived the wind, and only did that because they took the path of least resistance.
    It's got a nice windswept look already.
    Best wishes with your eye.

  3. Really nice work Tony. Listening to you work through your thought process created quite an educational tutorial. Looks like it’s set up nicely for the next growing season. Thanks, keep growing

  4. Worked out an absolute treat this one! I think it would look ace in one of those moon style pots when the time comes for repotting. Styling trees like this is my favourite thing to do. 🙂

  5. Looking good – the tree, not you! As Xavier suggested, maybe maybe some rocks to develop the mountainous impression. Nice one Tony.

  6. Great video mate! You really starting to get real good at this bonsai stuff mate. And you doing it front of a camera. I need to take pictures and take a look what wrong and right. Impressive

  7. Windswept style is hard to get convincing. The contrary motion of the pretty straight main trunk compared to the slender windswept branches looks a bit contrived to me. It looks like a great start for a fantasy tree though.

  8. This 'finer work' is where the fun is. You spend so much time with starter material, bending trunks and Primary branches, you never get to see them as they want to be. Almost the 'finished article'. 👍

  9. Tony you have inspired me to head to our local gardening centre and start to look for a wind swept conifer of sorts.and then down to the local river and find a few smaller rocks . keep up the good work and tutorials 🙂

  10. Thanks Tony, windswept is one of my favorite to work with. The pitch fork part is rather difficult to work with I tend to jin one half way. The rest of the tree well back bud nicely.
    I really like your concept of work a little bit let the tree recover then work some more. I always like to think to myself "what's the rush to get the tree to look show ready if I'm never entering them in anyways!"

  11. Tony, what a great video. You have transformed that lovely juniper and it looks wonderful after your expert attention.

  12. Another lovely surprise, surgery is certainly not holding you back from producing great content. I have a juniper squamata but it's currently a mame so has a long way to go. Looking forward to the "just trimming" days, which are probably a few years off yet. Setting seeds is soon on my agenda…..keep growing.xx

  13. Great to see you do some finer detailed work and talk through your thinking. Lovely looking tree. With some work it would be nice to see some sort of rock planting to add to the story of the tree. 👍🏼

  14. Lovely little tree
    I have a juniper who seemed to be going nowhere until I watched this video.
    Cheers, bud 👍

  15. Now you are just showing off. Your vision for bonsai is better with 1 eye than mine is with two. 🤣🤣🤣
    For real though great work on this juniper and getting the levels seperated. I feel like your self control was a bit better with this tree. You left plenty of material to stay healthy. Thank you for sharing!!

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