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  1. Another great video, exactly at the time I needed to hear this!!! Thank you Jesus, for working through Travis to help each of us!! You are always right on time Father, and I’m grateful ❤️

  2. Pain is a personal thing , to each of us , it comes in different shapes and forms , physical , mental, whatever, .try not to let it kill you,' don't give up' thanks for reinforcing ,that message Travis 🍀

  3. I work all the time I’d say I’m self sufficient. Farming isn’t for me. I do a little garden that’s good enuff for me. Off grid is accepting poverty. Not gonna do that I like my electric and oil heat. It’s worth it to work and pay.

  4. I have been prepping for my entire life, but growing up on a farm, it was just called living. My philosophy on getting prepared for those of you who are just starting out, just do it. Just buy some extra food. Go to a gun range and rent a firearm to practice if you wish. Read up on and or take a first-aid course ( a lot are free if you look). Plant a garden. Learn to maintain your own home repairs. I do tend to take for granted the knowledge I grew up doing and forget that many people did not have that experience, but if you just do it, you will start to gain knowledge, skills and also the confidence to continue. 👍

  5. You don't choose the Lone Wolf lifestyle, the LW lifestyle chooses you…

    Throughout my adult life I've lived mostly alone. I had 1 girlfriend in my early 20s. Now I'm in my 30s. I bought a home on some acerage in the woods. I am gardening, raising chickens and eventually will get more animals. I work full time in construction.

    My goal is to be off the grid by the time I retire or sooner hopefully. Every day I get a bit more done and create more self-sufficient/sustaining systems.

    The Lone Wolf lifestyle can be done, it just takes the right mindset, personality and attitude.

  6. Travis I am glad God healed you and give God the glory. Rebuke that pain and call it healed in his name! Speak to your body and tell your body it doesn’t have a choice but to line up with the word of God!

  7. Reminding/Reassuring this ol' Grandma again aren't ya, sweetie. Give hugs to Rivkah and the liddos from me.
    Shabbat Shalom and May YAH Bless.

  8. I grew up with Murfys law poster on my wall if anything can go wrong it will lol
    Could say my Solar system meets those standards for its vetting
    Did you open my book yet Travis?
    Hopefully I’ll see it on the shelf soon didn’t spend 40$ for nothing

  9. Thank you for this Travis, have been needing this conversation. I'll have the money from the sale of a house within six months but I greatly lack the skills and I'm a single mom doing this now 🙏🙏🙏

  10. WOW, What an Amazing Video, Full of Honest and Sincere Encouragement, (which is perhaps the element in danger of being in the shortest supply of all basic human NEEDS). Thank You So Much Travis!!!

  11. People will do the best that they can, based on many things. Everyone's situation is different, one size does not fit all. Being as prepared as you can be, is the best one can do. No need to live in fear if you have done this. Fear mongering not allowed, because it paralyzes people.

  12. Using My Patriot Supply and 3 others, we have accumulated 3+ years of food prep. I have the ammo and the arms to use it. I'm in the process of accumulating the gold and silver. We have zero debt. Live in a community with a large population of Veterans and retired law enforcement and first responders. What I don't have is youth. At 67 and knees replaced I know my limitations. We're not in a city, but we are where we will make our stand. Thanks for the informative videos.

  13. You have to put in the work to achieve the success, the only time I've seen success come before work is in the dictionary.

  14. You are out of context bro. Babylon is not cities, she is false religion…"a mystery"
    Babylon is "riding the beast"…she is not a city.
    She is "drunk with the blood of the saints"….this is not a city.
    She "reigns over the nations"….this is not cities.
    She is full of adultery, fornication, sensuality, immorality….that is not cities,
    it is religious people without faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    "She is thrown down with violence because sher deceived the nations with her sorcery'
    ….that is not cities.
    (Rev 17,18,19, 13)
    Bro….stop teaching speculation, show the scripture, you should know better.

  15. I am nearing 70yo. Back, shoulder surgery. My physical condition is not near what it once was.I keep pushing myself daily.l appreciate your vids. It inspires me. Thank you Travis.

  16. I'd rather live in a tent in bugger county , than in a city with all it,s money and troubles, at 65, back troubles, shoulder surgery, knee surgery , my wife has had 5 bypasses we still keep plodding along , still do projects just takes a lot more time, stay strong, keep going, even if you just started your way better off than at least 95% better off than those that stick their head in the sand, pray and God will give you strength,

  17. This was awesome……I hear you regarding back and not succumbing to what surgeons state. Now can you answer this ginnys email….recommend a realtor

  18. I'm Disabled and I'm getting Old
    Two strikes but I keep on swinging!
    My Father owns the land and the field were all playing on!
    I don't strike out -until I quit!
    God cannot do anything with a quitter!

  19. I’m a single mom with two teen boys. This means, I’m always broke 🤣
    But some day, I’d love to have a small acreage.
    Love to y’all from Loveland, Colorado ❤

  20. Also, you have to be ready to go into debt. At least for some, not all. Debt scares me

  21. Another timely and encouraging video for those who need to hear not only advise but encouragement. Keep on trucking, Travis. You are such a valuable voice. Many thanks.

  22. I had scoliosis now I have 2 steel rod's supporting my spine and I can't get on disability I'm not disabled enough so I'm having to work an 8hr job m-f as I get older I struggle with back pain but I get through some how. I had a 91 degree curve I tried back braces I was to far gone. I went to the shriners hospital in Saint Louis Missouri they delt with this kind of surgery. I'm happy I can walk but it hurts when I get home my back is screaming in pain it takes me a while to go o bed I'm happy I'm a live and I was able to receive treatment at 17. I'm 44 never judge someone and think they aren't disabled most importantly never give up because when I meat Jesus he will take all of my pain away and give me a young spiritual body.

  23. Now is the best time to start.
    There is so much information, just here on YouTube. Start with something that you can do right where you are.
    Maybe you have some land already, and want to do dairy goats, but can't afford purebred stock. Study up what to look for in a good milker, and take your knowledge to the nearest animal auction. Look at the kids that are going to be sold, and start your herd.

  24. Funny you should have this topic, see the description of a vid that just uploaded and the photos, video link in description. Watch it with your family Travis, you will be amazed. Much love and respect brother.

  25. It seams to me to be a balancing act.
    If you are young, strong, experienced, knowledgeable, hardworking sun up to sun down, you won’t need much money!
    If you are unable, have no experience, no knowledge, physically limited, etc. you’ll need a lot more money!

  26. Im in duck creek village…. its rough going from the desert of las vegas to the mountains. Alot of shoveling! Take care my brother! 🇺🇲✌️🇺🇲

  27. I use to grow corn, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon, etc when I was a kid.

    Grandfather had a farm with chickens, cows, etc. So I know a little but forgot a lot since it was a long time ago.

    At 66 I'm retired and have about $100,000.00 equity in the house and am looking for some acreage, I would like to be totally off the grid but solar would be expensive to run an air-conditioner among everything else.

    My wife would like to be a little more on the grid which is probably a better idea around our age.

    I was a leader at a major Electric company for 22 years so I have some experience in the area of electricity and batteries etc.

    I have many survival items and can work well with metal and wood.

    Just need to keep looking and hopefully, we'll find a nice place, I'd like about 15 acres minimum but would like around 25 acres.

    I want to be around like-minded people that will make great friends and neighbors.

    Thanks for your time, effort and videos Travis.

  28. In 2011, I had an accident where I couldn't feel anything from the neck down. To this day, I still can't lift over about 10 to 15 pounds above my head. With months of physical therapy, I had to relearn things too. In 2005 off and on, I started doing this living off grid lifestyle. In 2018, I started doing this full time, with the exception of about 4 winter months in 2018-19, and 2019-20. I finally got here in 2020, April 4th, and have been here every since. In 2020, around may, I started building an inground tiny house, still under construction by the way, and dug down under one wall to eventually add another room basically under the ground. Before that room, I built in 2022, I added a 8×10 room, now a kitchen. The room this last year, a 10×12, a bedroom and bathroom combination. I started in 2020 with a 12×16, and added a little 8×6 room. Before that I was in a 15×15 tent for a good couple of months, and a bear nudged me in my back through the tent and about pushed me off my twin air mattress! A couple of times very high winds pulled my rain fly so tight upwards, I was sure the tent would be pulled up. I prayed hard, LORD, hold me together please! 🙏🥴 That was frightening! 😬 So YES, put your mind to it, you CAN do it. I started with a 8 acre piece of property, an my inground house I built, only because the LORD helped me, is covered with sand and concrete, with a LOT of rerod, aluminum and steel pipe. When someone came for a puppy in 2021, they left because they told me all they saw was a sand hill. I laughed and told them that was my house. Lol. The next day they came back for the puppy. Be encouraged everyone! Have the LORD and you CAN do this. I started with $800 a month disability. 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏😊

  29. I had a ton of respect for you yesterday. Today's message was excellent. It takes a true man to open up and share like you did. I'm grateful for the information and insight you provide.. It doesn't go unnoticed…! Thank you.

  30. Thank you for this video. I have dreamed of homesteading, or at least some version of that, for almost my entire life. I had all but given up on that dream to the point of almost giving up altogether. You sparked the dream in me again, even with my physical limitations. Good Lord willing I will reach some level of my dream!!!

  31. Travis, I got a spinal cord injury like u in my neck,…if I do too much the scar on my spinal cord swells up and chokes off my left side..I can't push too far, however, if I don't work out, my spine gets twisted… I can do stuff, limitedly..

  32. I've always been inspired by my grandma. She planned for years and once she retired she had an off grid cabin built up in the mountains (she drew the blueprints). She owned a duplex in the tiny town about 60 miles away so she had an income. She went to town about once a month spring through fall but spent the entire winter at the cabin. We helped dig her outhouse. She had a spring and creek which she used as a fridge. We skiied in for Christmas most years. I spent part of every summer up there. She let me wander by myself all day. I started that when I was 9. It was amazing. Solar wasn't really a thing back then. EXTREMELY expensive and not great.

  33. I retired five years ago. Three years ago I started putting my solar system together. This is my third winter off the grid. I plan to add a wind generator, and six more batteries for a total of 26. I took an old sandblasting tank that my uncle was going to toss for scrap metal, and welded it up into a wood stove. It has a 🔥 fire in it. I don't make much on my check, but I can get by okay. I get food help from the Cherokees. I catch rainwater and I have the Alexapure Pro water filter and an extra ceramic filter, that I got through your link. I bought an electric chainsaw and a Winco Lil Dog generator. Now that I'm kind of caught up on preps, I'm saving for my own place. My uncle won't let me have a woman out here in the barn. Besides, I have to move my solar panels to mow the grass. I should get things more permanent. I'll be 67 Friday. I'm supposed to dig a well this spring. I use board scraps for some of my wood, and every once in awhile I find a good board or two, so I'm saving those up. Eventually I will get enough to build something, for free. Well, I'll have to buy some screws and stuff. Partly free. For now I have free heat, power, water, and food, so I will be able to do something at some point. I had to prep food and stuff right in the middle of all of it, and had the virus, too, it's been almost three years ago. But on a downhill run now, it's all good. Stocking up on building materials and screws, etc. for some time which I will get to use it all. Being off the grid has taught me a lot in the last two years. I ran a 6000 BTU window unit off of my solar system last summer and I have a freezer running off it now. There was enough free energy there that I wanted to try it out. The system is doing well and will be better when I get the wind generator hooked up to it. It's all temporary here though. At least I know that it works. I should get the electric chainsaw that I ordered, sometime this week. Backup to the gas one, or either way. I keep the freezer full and the power on to it. I suppose I will be okay.

  34. The most valuable lesson we have learned in this homestead journey is …we will ever be entirely self sufficent. The more we work toward it…the more we realize that we are desperately in need of the Fathers protection and provision. Protection over crops, animals, health, safety. Its no wonder our ancestors where more deeply in tune spiritually. They too realized they could work and do their part as best as possible..but at the end of the day…God is in control .

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