Gardening Supplies

Master Gardeners Week 2! It's Soil Week! :: My Master Gardeners Training Experience

“Essentially, all life depends upon the soil… There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together.” -De. Charles E Kellogg, Soil Scientist

Welcome! Week 2 of my Master Gardeners training was a doozy! This week we learned all about the ins and outs of our soil. I’ve never thought so much about soil in my life, but now can really appreciate the goodness that it gives us and our gardens! 🪱Enjoy!

My Mason Bee Video with The Ribbon Test! 👇🏼:

🌿 UPDATE! I now have an Amazon Store where all amazon available products will be located! Looking for a link to my greenhouse? It’s here! Looking for those books I recommended? It’s here too! It’s ALMOST as fun as going to the plant store! 😉

Click this link for the Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat Amazon Store: 👇🏼

————M Y L I N K S————

E M A I L:
I N S T A G R A M:
M E R C H A N D I S E:
W E B S I T E:

————A F F I L I A T E L I N K S————

Use code DIGPLANTWATERREPEAT5 for 5% off at the
✨Epic Gardening Garden Store! :

———— A D D R E S S ————

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ————

This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!

Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me!


  1. Hi Janey 🌺 good information about soil , I love your explanation and they are very interesting lessons . Have awonderful day ⚘️🌺⚘️

  2. Hello. God bless you. This is good information. How did you get those Proven Winners annual flower plants? I want to get some.

  3. Very informative. Thank you! Do you still use your Lomi? I have been and would love any tips you have learned along the way 🙂

  4. How great! So interesting and gives me so much to consider with my large desert garden. Gravel is fairly essential with large desert gardens (which I dislike, but….) So gravel compaction is REAL….and just part of the gardening process here. I own a hand held pick axe 😂 who knew?

  5. There are whole degree programs for soil science, so I suspect that might be one of the most difficult class days 🤞🏻. I really need to get a soil test done, but I keep putting it off because it seems so complicated.

  6. Thanks Jennie, this was very informative, great video. I live in central Florida and we call our soil sugar sand. It doesn’t retain any nutrients so we have to use a lot of amendments.

  7. Love this Janey, I’m just down the causeway in Gold River so all this info is great!

  8. new to your channel, that was a good presentation of the materials from your class! interesting and informative! thank you!

  9. Lol if I never touched the soil when it was wet or planted when the soil was wet I'd never be able to plant a single plant in my garden lol. It's rains a lot in the uk! The soil is always wet 😂 And I mean it rains a lot here.

  10. This was so interesting and informative I bookmarked it to watch over and over to absorb it! Thank you!

  11. This super helped me understand my trouble with my soil. I have a new build where it was a farmer's field. The developer removed the top soil. I'm left with sand and lots of pine trees. I'm in Northern Minnesota. I'll have to take drastic measures to make anything grow. Ugh

  12. You are awesome for sharing. My soil is crappy. Been trying to nudge it along. Sure loving your backdrop/closet?area. Beautiful like you.🌸

  13. I loved this. Building up good soil is similar to building a home with a good foundation. Janey you did an amazing job of presenting this information in an easy and clear way. I know so much more now and can appply everything you shared. Thank you!

  14. Really interesting and much more to consider regarding soil. I will sign up to instagram for more info, Thanks Janey!

  15. Thanks for sharing! I actually found the discussion about tilling very interesting because I’ve watched a good amount of those guys on YouTube and I believed the information they were putting out so I’m pretty much no till myself. But it is nice to hear the info from someone who doesn’t have “skin in the game” so to speak.

  16. Love the info. Sooo interesting. I’m thinking you’re going to look at your existing garden with new eyes.

  17. I enjoyed listening to all the information. My Grandpa always said not to work the soil when it was wet. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  18. Thank you for sharing what you've learned! I think I've found out why my house plant is yellowing. Keep it up!

  19. Thank you for sharing all of this information. It is exciting not boring. It will help me immensely this growing season. I use no till and not only is it actually easier but better for the type of growing I do.

  20. This was so informative and interesting. I have been gardening over 50 years and about 30 years of no till mostly. Have been learning so many things from you tube the last few years. It is so exciting to see other ideas and learning why. Thank you!

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