Front Yard Garden

He was ANGRY with his neighbors

Checkout the full video here –

I got a message from a lady asking if I could help get her lawn back in shape. I told her I would head that way and her yard was in really bad condition when I got there. After working for a couple hours the next door neighbor came out and told me that the lawn was always in bad condition and he was FED UP with looking at it everyday. Luckily, I was able to get it looking new again and into a state where the homeowner could maintain it.



  1. I'm a fan. I LIKE THE VIDEOS OF THE PEOPLE WHO REALLY NEED HELP ARE THE BEST…But how does this guy afford to do this?
    The time an material alone. He is probably a YOUNG ECCENTRIC millionaire an maybe is bored. OR maybe he is "BATMAN"

  2. dude wants to bitch but not willing to be a good neighbor and help there neighbor worst kinda neighbor

  3. Hi Spencer, I watched the full Version…& said you did a Great Job & I think after you leave the woman will just let it grow again, because she has No Mower !! Neighbor will be Angry Again! Bye…Love from Central Illinois

  4. It’s so crazy to me how incredibly mad this makes people. It’s almost like people have jobs and it’s almost like after 10-14 hrs, people are tired? What? That’s insane. And some people don’t get days off? Whaaat? What’s that about?
    I think this guy is forgetting, he’s probably retired and has time for it. And even if he doesn’t, not everyone else has to live to your standard of clean, that yard wasn’t as bad as the others he’s seen.

  5. I want to say what a huge impact you have not only on ppls lives, but neighbors, community and the example you are to our children & young adults. It is deep & beautiful. A simple act of kindness has an astounding ripple affect. You are a blessing to many, a gift from God.

  6. What would you care about someone else’s property so much? Especially if you don’t know what they’re going through. Mind your business.

  7. If the neighbor dosent like it he should help out his neighbor instead of complaining

  8. So you trespassed onto a property and vandalized the vegetation?

  9. Instead of moaning about his neighbor, he could cut it for them. My husband is in his 70s and he mows the lawn for 5 or 6 houses in our street.

  10. Neighbors like this make me angry.
    Just offer to help and be a neighbor!

    That was 3-4 months of growth! 🤣 where I'm from that's like 2 weeks.

  11. “I’m fed up”….. so I will have someone else take care of it for me. Dude didn’t contact you to do it to help his no-mower having neighbor out, he did it so HE didn’t have to look at it anymore.
    That certainly doesn’t take away from you being an absolute legend. You helping individuals in circumstances and neighborhoods out on your time and dime is amazing. I love what you do 🙂
    **edit: And it wasn’t even that bad. It wasn’t tidy, but it wasn’t BAD. Some peoples grandfathers…..

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