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Woman Does Harry Potter Spells & Gets Demons

Woman Does Harry Potter Spells & Gets Demons

Can fascination with theatrical and literary witchcraft lead to actual demonic possession? Watch the live, first-hand story of a young woman who did Harry Potter spells and got real demons.

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  1. THANK you everyone I am so grateful for all of you and Mr. Bob Larson!! I am so blessed to have been able to get some help to spiritual freedom!!! Praise the Lord Jesus He will continue to do a good work in me! THANK You Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!!!

  2. God bless you Rita Thank you for your testimony🤗 I pray for your and all of our deliverance in Jesus' name🙏🙏

  3. I think after the numerous exorcisms on Rita she no longer has any demons. Just because she feels like to hurt someone doesn't mean that she has a demon in her. Bible says that we have to contend with the devil and his minions our whole lives. So whenever the demons puts a wrong thought into her or when useless thoughts come she just has to ignore those thoughts and put her thoughts to obedience in Christ. Gradually everything will fall into place.

  4. Was watching I come from a lineage of spies and assassin's from 1383 as you where praying I said out loud for we are many legion has been with me since I was born God appeared to me when I was 4 Jesus saved me when I was 9

  5. Im looking forward to seeing what God does in your life Rita! You're not alone, thank you Bob for what you do! Xx

  6. 🍁🍂They make u feel guilty if u get upset, they accuse of all that they do to u, they don't want you to break free from them or cut them off they make u feel like bad person for that, if u waiting to defend yourself in a perfect way without offending them then u will never stop being manipulated by them because they will always react and get offended because they have fear, they fear u, they fear self & others, is not because u fail to express perfect. They don't want you to defend yourself, they make u feel guilty for having power for not fearing for being honest and true self. They make u feel guilty if u get upset when they try to traumatize u. They make feel guilty for u being free or for fearing self or them or anyone, they make u feel guilty for anything good or bad u do. They do and say anything to get you to fear, react & believe lies about yourself and others or about anything. They accuse u if you try to feel good enough to be your true self, if u try to break free from them or from sin or fear, they accuse u of being bad, they tell u that u are undeserving to seek the life u want. They make u feel guilty for speaking up, for standing up for yourself or others. They make u feel guilty for expressing your true feelings, they trained u to suppress whatever upsets u, all your wants and they only encourage to seek needs not wants, to serve peoples needs and feed your own needs but to fear the things u want. Tox people train each other to fear tox people more and to fear non tox people more ECT. Don't let them make u feel like you are a bad person when u say no to their tox ways. Having boundaries is not mistreating them, let them get offended. Don't suppress your anger when they mistreat you. You are not guilty or a bad person for getting upset, is normal to be upset when people are treating u bad, don't feel bad if you roar at them for trying to miss with you. How to break free from tox? Well they manipulate u so that u dont break free cuz the moment u express your true self they react and bully u and accuse u, I never had problem being my myself I never suppressed myself. They know how to keep u in trauma or make it worse cuz as long u have trauma you won't be able to break free from their manipulation. They make feel like a bad person for being upset but you have the right to be upset about how they mistreat u , they make u feel guilty for being upset so that u try to make it up for it by doing things for them , to give & receive approval, ECT to make u feel sorry about yourself, to beat yourself up and feel sorry for them too. We have the right to be angry, to roar when people mistreat us or others as long as we use it as self defense & to protect but toxic people want to make people feel guilty like a bad person for expressing what bothers them. We have the right to be angry as long as we dont use it for sin or be cruel without compassion, patience & kindness. People are manipulated into going back to toxic people because toxic people make them fearful, they accuse people of offending them, then people try to make up for it to get approval and that's why people chase toxic people, people chase toxic people because they have not learned to stop fearing toxic people, if people did not fear toxic people then they would not chase or need toxic people, they would not submit to them. Toxic people make others feel sorry for them, sometimes they even pretend to have no faith so that people chase them and that's how toxic people get sex, supply, approval ECT they make others feel guilty for offending or getting angry, tox make people believe the lie that people are a bad person or guilty of the sin for being upset for being manipulated or for cutting off toxic people or for having boundaries and for offending toxic people with the true identity and honesty of people. How to free yourself? Stop believing the lies that you are sin, fear, lies, toxic people make u believe the lie that u are sin, fear, lies, not good enough, that u only deserve to settle for less, don't believe those lies , we have to feel the emotions, feel the emotions during temptation and not numb them with toxic people (it requires effort, like work and the gym) the more people cut tox, the more pleasure and the easier it becomes, the less they eliminate tox then the more painful and difficult it becomes to cut off toxic people and more painful and difficult it becomes to meet or bond with non-toxic people. Toxic people make people react with fear, lies, make others feel like bad people for trying to get rid of toxic people. Toxic people keep others in truama, trauma causes people to go after toxic people to try to save them, fix them, get approval, sex, numbing drug, etc.

  7. Rita you are a lovely child of God💕 beautiful young lady 💕Jesus is with you. You will be completely free, and restored…. God Bless you🙏🙏🙏

  8. there's no doubt in my mind that the author herself studied paganism and witchcraft as well as other areas of the occult in order to produce the books. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.

  9. Matthew 5:6 – Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness and they shall be filled!…..I believe her hunger and thirst over recent times has gotten her filled over time……hence her loving disposition and peaceful demeanor…. It's Christ's true love radiating through! Hallelujah…

  10. Wow, people are just catching this!? I am an ex-witch. I practiced herbal witchcraft, or what the H.P. literary world calls potion-making. In the first book when the potions teacher is drilling the main character to embarrass him, one of the questions asked is:
    "What do you get when you add powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
    In reality, to dissolve powdered root of Asphodelus spp. to a water based diffusion of Artimesia Abssenthia creates a poison that causes the recipient to fall into a coma within minutes, and die within 24 hours. The poison given to the terminally ill behaves the same way, so I wouldn't be surprised to see some similarities between the witchcraft and the loosely worded medicine.

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