Front Yard Garden

Unknown Predator Species Invading National Parks

In this video we are going to cover several strange and weird encounters.
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#creepystories #horrorstories #scarystories

I narrate supernatural stories, including park ranger stories about mysterious creatures. Scary park ranger stories are very interesting and we can learn a lot about the supernatural.

Copyright Notice
You must receive written permission from me to use any form of my content. reproduction of any of my narrations on any platform or medium is not allowed without prior written consent.

About My Stories
Some stories are researched from real events by writers hired by me, for example, missing person cases at national parks. I put references to the news sources in those videos. All other stories are sent in from viewers or recreated or inspired by existing stories. I will also read stories from other channels with their permission.

Content Disclaimer
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.

Background Music: Co Ag


  1. YetI know Naturally talented Psychiatrists. What do you deduce unto thus!? Just asking….😐

  2. Honestly, sounds like most if not all of these 'stories' are made up by the same person – Mr. Ballen this channel is not.

  3. @47:45 the worst thing will be when they fully realize..πŸ€” they drank her "tea". Purpose? And what was it? See what I mean.. lolz. Good story. Love the channel, I listen allot, especially when I go jogging every day.❀️

  4. With all these recalls. I sense a severe olfactory discrimination lawsuit. Your Card. P.s. Don't let Retile/Humanoids eat your Cat. 😒

  5. Some of you people need to hear this. GHOST AND PARANORMAL ACTIVITY IS NOT REAL…. You people need a reality check, skeptical thinking and to not be indoctrinated into man made doctrine. If you do not believe me then know this if you do not believe in ghost they do not exist, there is always an answer or reason to find. Sleep paralysis is to blame in most cases. I’m a skeptic and have terrible doubts of sleep paralysis, yet I have looked my whole life for ghost and have never found real evidence. No one has ever documented any evidence not once. The lady was murdered if the story is real by a person maybe even a neighbor hiding in a craw-space in the attic. Perhaps the guy even thought they were caught and killed the lady. Check every space and you will find ghost do not exist. Period.

  6. The one who looked like the guys sister they are called Faye and had you followed it you would never have been seen again,

  7. Stories are good but I'll believe these things when I see actual photos. I'd have loved to see the photos of the 2nd story seeing as he said he took photos, and make my own conclusions. Thanks for the stories

  8. Setting traps to kill animals is utterly disgusting. Let alone killing beavers in them. The suffering these poor animals endure only to be released by death is abhorrent. The only justification in using taps would be if you were starving & or lost.

  9. People please keep your cats indoors at all times. That's the only way that they will truly be safe and well cared for.

  10. We've been lied to from birth and these lies go much further back. All what NASA says is a lie. Our history, archeology, even lots of the science, is all LIES!!!! Those who believe in NASA are set up for the great deception.

    The words of God are foolishness to those who are perishing. Forget about what you think is true because it isn't. We do not live on a globe that is spinning and moving fast through space, it is all a lie. All these illuminaries (planets and stars) are in fact fallen angels. They're in the second heaven and there are some wicked ones in the 3rd heaven too. Our planet is round but flat with portal and there's an underworld with portals too.

    All these creature are coming up from the underworld. All are Nephilim, demons, and fallen angels. The Greys are 1 of the 4 types of small people or fairies. They have flying machines. All abductions are from these evil unclean entities. They are making more Nephilim and other hybrid monstrosities.

    Book of Enoch (translated by R.H. Charles) has all the answers. I recommend the now you see TV (NYSTV) episodes with David Carrico and Jon Pounders where they go through the book of Enoch. There you will get the truth and unless people wake up to the word of God, they are lost for sure. Don't rely on science or someone's logic to understand these things. You must get a spiritual upgrade with the word of God, else, perish.

  11. thank you for the great stories. I have a storytelling channel and would love it if you had a look, YT algorithm is hard on new channels, thanks for all you do! πŸ™‚

  12. Why catch beavers? You can’t eat them. It’s cruel and useless.

  13. Did you just say "one tiny spec in an ever expanding universe" LMAO … lol Earth is a level plane, grow up.

  14. A hobby? Tell that to the beaver! I definitely understand hunting, but hunting as a β€œhobby… not at all!”

  15. What you had at your traps was a dogman dont be supersized when the fish and game act like they don't know that they dont know anything about dogman

  16. Something terrible is happening in national parks. There is some sort of creature that is eating the faces off of people.

  17. Two people were attacked on a hiking trip .They managed to film a strange cloud following them .Then fire and an explosion from cloud and a big rock hit the canyon. There was an ECHO in the Canyon. This was not something that can be faked. The young man ran up to the smoldering boulder against his girlfriend's admonition. Suddenly the rock exploded and he got hit by a splinter from the rock. Then this creature jumped on him and knocked him to the ground. It had a kangaroo type tail. It was about 3_ 4 ft. It looked like a cross between a frog and a lizard with weird feet like Dutch clogs . It had HOOKS on its elbows and wrapped around the man and he couldn't move his arms. It began to eat his face . It made strange sounds buzzing sound. His girlfriend was in shock the horror in her voice was palpable she dropped the camera and she is frozen in fear. You can see that this is real. Because his right arm went up in a death grip. My brother who was taken off life support did the same thing. His arm raised up and then he was dead .So I know this was real not faked. Someone found the video. The creature turned from the dead man and jumped on her. It had ears like Yoda but huge PINK EYES. The camera was found but they never were. There car was found abandoned .

  18. Lol Europeans are the unknown predators species invading the forest.. lol gud thumbnail.. desert makers

  19. Love this stuff .. but, my suspicion was up when he talked about not getting lost on 30 acres…. marked trees to find his way back… hmmm… 30 acres isn't big enough to get lost in.. like the writer hadn't actually seen 30 acres…

  20. Anything that size would have to leave some type of tracks so why aren't they tracking it probably cuz it never happened Reminds Me of Something red fox used to say if you see a ghost cut them if they bleed they're not a ghost

  21. The Bible states that we'll be able to see demons and unclean spirit's. They've been here all along. God just had an invisible wall they couldn't go beyond. Everybody better get prayed up.

  22. First story made me think of something, as kids have you ever had a magnified glass and burn grass and ants, they say we live in a simulation, what if we are ants and the gods above us are doing the same thing

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